It sounds like it could be sexual harassment to me. Document everything for your records for future legal use if need be (the touches, innuendos, the words they say that are out of line, including the dates they happened, and who said and did such, etc) that they made and which makes you feel uncomfortable those times, as it sounds like creepy behaviors and a progression of very inappropriate things towards you, from what I see.
State to them nicely that you are just trying to get ready for your work, and you can think, focus and work better when certain remarks and actions are not made in your presence. Tell them you would appreciate it if they would respect your boundaries and not attempt to get too close, as it makes you uncomfortable and distracts you from doing your job. I would have a small hidden recorder that picks up conversations clearly as well, to verify your claims, their words, conversations, actions and reactions, and your efforts to stop that stuff.
If all else fails, hire a lawyer, that deals in workplace harassment, as you cannot assume any police and employer would empathize with you, or admit any wrong there, as they often do not empathize with certain abuse victims and want to hide certain things under the table, as they see no harm in it. Often it is easier to blame the victims, and to minimize that abuse and harassment, and to make light of it, than to hold the others accountable. Abuse and harassment is perpetrated by persons of all ages, gender, races, nationalities, and regardless of social status.
At minimum, record things, as mentioned, if you worry about losing your job over making such a formal or informal complaint right now. Also, tell any close friends and family about this and what those work persons have been and are doing to you to make you very uncomfortable. Be specific in those details to those you trust, and hopefully they will be supportive of you. At least, those persons could act as a potential witness(es). I just know both men and women are being harassed in both professional and non-professional settings. The more we do not hold those responsible, the more it will continue.