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Responsibility and such...


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
A little wrestling match in my head, I know for people who are parents this will be a no brainer...

This Saturday, is the last event of classic car season (driving season) which was decimated by Covid shutdowns... It's a classic car swap meet, even though I don't need to buy parts for the vintage car I don't own :rolleyes: I enjoy going to them for the car spotting and the atmosphere, plus some of the visuals (photography)

But... Always (sometimes) a but... I'm looking to get involved in a ministry at our church, in the media department, mostly around how we are livestreaming Sunday morning service... And... There is an important meeting about it on Saturday morning... *sigh*

From talking to our pastor I get the feeling that the three training sessions are fairly important if I want to get involved with that ministry, the same Saturday as the car swap meet, yup

I was hoping to make it there early to the swap meet, a 1.5 hour drive out of town, I am still considering leaving town at 11:30 (sharp!) after the meeting is supposed to be finished, drive the 1.5 hours, at which point I'll only have three hours there to take it all in, or as much as I can take in... Rather than having the option of spending all day there... o_O

[Side note] I hate missing things!

Yet I know those people who raise a family get used to decisions like this, and that more often than not they can't fit in everything, I've been single my whole life (48 years of it) and been used to pretty much making my own schedule, but I do try to be responsible with how I live my life, even taking on responsibility when it's a good thing to do
It's not just human families, I consider everynight what will happen if I sleep upstairs as the cat is ill, the cat is more important than sleeping upstairs ,ask Ha Shem(G-d) he knows exactly what you are able to achieve ,I had no idea I could nurse somebody, thought I was useless but I tried .
Depends on which is actually more important to you. My guess is that you do need the training classes if you want to help with the livestreaming, which is a longer term goal. I know you love your car shows. It's prioritizing what's most important over all. If it helps, ask yourself how will you feel after if you do it this way or do it that way.
Depends on which is actually more important to you. My guess is that you do need the training classes if you want to help with the livestreaming, which is a longer term goal. I know you love your car shows. It's prioritizing what's most important over all. If it helps, ask yourself how will you feel after if you do it this way or do it that way.

I know the answer... I will likely drive the 1.5 hours for 3 hours at the car event in the afternoon... I've been guilty of trying to cram too many car things in because I've felt deprived of almost everything I enjoy this past summer...
A wrench in things (always)

The meeting tomorrow morning is still on...

Talking with a friend yesterday, was invited to a small (safe) Thanksgiving gathering at their place tomorrow evening (Canadian date for the holiday), the time he gave me was so perfect, I could drive up to Red Deer, car swap meet, then back to their place for dinner... Maybe too perfect o_O

He contacted me this morning, turns out they were planning for a 1 PM Thanksgiving lunch, no pressure, now I have to choose between their place for lunch, or going to the car swap meet, as per typical Aspie decision making, I'm torn 50/50 between either option... Maybe I just need to flip a coin at the end of the morning meeting... :rolleyes:

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