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Review, Sexual Harassment, Credentials, Discrimination, Career Ending.......


Well-Known Member
Please bear with me as I am new here. I also scored a 46 on the AS test. But this is all about employment issues and I really would like your comments. Maybe others will have similar experiences to share and learn here.

I am a CPA who has always worked in industry. I don't work for a Public Accounting firm. Besides accounting I have quite an extensive philosophy background. I studied philosophy in graduate school.

My review was exceptionally nice. I received 26 excellent boxes checked. My personal evaluation I always just check Good and never rate myself above good due to past politics in my career. So what is my problem? Increases are based on reviews and they are very meager. Usually 1 to 3 percent. I received a 2 percent. In ending my review my boss mentioned my new salary but did not mention the percentage. I emailed her but she chose not to respond. She probably can?t justify why my review is so good but the increase does not seem to match. I obsess about it all the time. What did I do wrong? What can I improve?

I work on average 10 hours a week in overtime. Sometimes many more hours. The only real issue that was brought up was my reading books at my desk. I do read book while I am waiting on the computer to run financials. My boss said I probably should close my door as I do have a large office.

So what is the problem? I am the only licensed CPA here. Part of my initial hiring it was agreed the company would pay for $1,500 per year toward my CPE (Training). I have to do about 40 hours per year to keep my license.
We have some managers here who do not even have a college degree that like to micro manage. I think they resent the fact that I have six certificates hung on my wall and I just earned another one. By this I mean that after my name it reads (CPA, CGMA) now.

I had one other major issue that came up last year. I was accused of sexual harassment. Someone complained that I got into their personal space? And I can?t be told who! People bump into me all the time and it is not my fault but this is a case where I never touched anyone. My boss even went to HR about it before talking to me. To put this into perspective I am white and most of the office is black. Trust me I don?t want to do anything that is not appropriate. Actually I hate anything to do with sex maybe AS related?

I also can?t be told who the hourly employees are that complain about my book reading? Maybe I should just work my 8 hours and leave? I keep a time sheet now.
I have been here three years and I usually can hold a job that long. I am very protective of my reputation and my credentials. But issues like this seem to come up everywhere I work and I don?t see that I did anything wrong.
If anything, I produce twice the work of other managers and I am given special projects because of my advanced skills in Excel and Access.

My only problem is that I refuse to be social. I eat lunch in my office by myself. I am afraid to be in the cafeteria for fear of another sexual harassment charge. I hate to socialize anyway. This has never come up in my review. If anything other get in trouble for visiting too much.

So to sum it all up, even if I had 20 degrees it would not make a difference or be enough. I feel that I am singled out because I am smart. I have tried to have a good career.
Have others had problems at work like this? Many thanks for any comments.
Yes, I have had similar incidents in my job. Most were with one supervisor who is no longer there. She too played the you've been accused but I can't tell you who game.

I think part of the problem is that you are too good (producing twice the work of the others), and this leads to jealousy. I don't blame you for not socializing, I wouldn't in that environment either. And race is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about. I will say this, I do know quite a few white people who did not start out being prejudiced against blacks but after working with some of them and experiencing the chip on the shoulder attitude, they eventually became prejudiced. I myself have had some bad experiences in that regard and now am wary of working with someone of another race. This is too bad because I believe everyone should be given a chance and I know that blacks have had it rough, but . . . I could tell you some stories!

My strategy basically is to do my job and try not to call too much attention to myself.
Spinning Compass

Thank you so much for the response, I am so glad that I don't feel alone.

Most of the people in the office are very nice but a couple maybe problematic. If anything I have been give a more positive attitude working among the mix race. I really think any problems there are truly just people and knit picking. In some ways it is comical thinking of me trying to hit it off with them. I am celibate at home. My wife is OK with it. I don't like sex. I am very uncomfortable with close relations. Maybe an Aspie thing I don't know.

It was funny today as our company will have a nice awards banquet for those shinning people. They reward non-sense and even if I tell the owner I earned another certification I get no recognition or thank you. Which means it is all a show and additional degrees and competencies mean nothing. Its all about politics and brown nosing. A executive was so nice to me today. I sent a nice note explaining my new certification to HR and they replied "Good Luck With That". Meanwhile they put out a newsletter recognizing 20 non-collage grads for doing something very unimportant. The executive next door really took my side and thought it was all a show. That they can even recognize true accomplishments. It meant so much to me.

But I herald your doing your job and not calling attention to yourself. Wise advice. I am all about learning and extremely focused on detail.

Many thanks
I had a college professor in one of my business classes who said that it is possible to be "too good" at what you do. You end up painting yourself in a corner. You become an anchor. If you stay, the company wins because they have a hard, reliable worker. If you leave, they still win, even if they have to hire two people to take your place because chances are they can get those two people for less than what they are paying you. She told us students that we should not strive to stand out too much. Hah! Tell an Aspie that! But she is right. She also said that once you get that reputation for working twice as hard as everyone else or producing better work than everyone else, you have to either stay at that level or work even harder, because you cannot go back down to everyone else's level. Moral of the story, when you start a new job watch how everyone else does it as far as work ethic and stay right in the middle. We were all somewhat shocked at what she said, but she said, this is something no one else will ever tell you.
Your words of advice are extremely wise.

My situation is rather unusual. My boss arrives about 11:30AM everyday. Leaves to go home at 6:30 or 7:00PM. My boss keeps her door shut but not tight and almost (NEVER) turns on the over head florescent lights. She works and emails at all hours. In many ways we are alike. I get to work around 8AM and I don't take a lunch and leave just before 7PM. I am a bit of a work-a-holic. I really love what I do but if I work more hours than the other managers I can see per your advice that make them look bad. My wife has to call and remind me to come home, and I often login and work from home too. I just get so focused it is hard to stop.

I have been reading the books that relate Aspergers to work and it really helps me to understand much better my situation. Prior to this I had refused to believe I had an issue (AS).


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