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Righting a Wrong / A Dog with a Bone


Constantly evolving. Friends welcome.
V.I.P Member
When something happens that is obviously unethical, dishonest or abusive,
I attack. Quitely and firmly until whatever point that justice is delivered.

Be it for business or personal.

I cannot simply "leave it"... (lol reminds me of that dog command!)

I do not believe that many AT can function well with deceit, in business or personal affairs.

When in sales, there was a level of theft amongst sales associates, that I could not support.
When reported, I was given a verbal pat on the head, accompanied by, "That's sales."
When accused of such theft, due to my high sales (front of the pack in my numbers) I quickly would have to rectify that by taking the accuser to the manager and politely requesting an admission of guilt. I must say he who went after me in that fashion, never repeated. I would simply say, I cannot tolerate dishonesty in any form, and that is why this is taking place.

My latest was associated with a cell phone provider (don't trust AT&T agents) that encourages agents to assign new lines to accounts without consent, at extremely financial penalty to reverse.

It's exhausting living in a NT world. They never get tired of such games.

How many can relate?
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I retired earlier than I wanted because I was asked to approve protocols that would have negatively impacted the quality of pharma products by not validating processes as thoroughly as possible while not also implementing statistical process control as ongoing monitoring. I worked to ensure that my employer(s) were doing more than the lowest common denominator of compliance to regulations merely to meet inspections.
You tell this to a NT and they walk off, unable to comprehend. I always wondered why I was so different.

I have found my tribe, in my fellow Aspies!
When something happens that is obviously unethical, dishonest or abusive,
I attack. Quitely and firmly until whatever point that justice is delivered.

Be it for business or personal.

I cannot simply "leave it"... (lol reminds me of that dog command!)

I do not believe that many AT can function well with deceit, in business or personal affairs.

When in sales, there was a level of theft amongst sales associates, that I could not support.
When reported, I was given a verbal pat on the head, accompanied by, "That's sales."
When accused of such theft, due to my high sales (front of the pack in my numbers) I quickly would have to rectify that by taking the accuser to the manager and politely requesting an admission of guilt. I must say he who went after me in that fashion, never repeated. I would simply say, I cannot tolerate dishonesty in any form, and that is why this is taking place.

My latest was associated with a cell phone provider (don't trust AT&T agents) that encourages agents to assign new lines to accounts without consent, at extremely financial penalty to reverse.

It's exhausting living in a NT world. They never get tired of such games.

How many can relate?
I really struggle with these issues in the workplace - or anywhere. I have learned to "leave it" more often than not, now that I have learned more about the sometimes dark and twisted realities of people, the workplace, etc....but it causes me a LOT of anxiety, and I can worry about things for days. I have done my best to find work and people that don't cause me such problems, but my current job....it still happens, where I see rules, then I see realities, then worry about integrity issues or fairness....to a degree that none of my colleagues do, and they don't sweat it. Sometimes it seems to me that the world cares for and respects people who are "nice" rather than caring for and respecting people who are trying to be honest and maybe lack the social finesse of the "nice".
When something happens that is obviously unethical, dishonest or abusive,
I attack. Quitely and firmly until whatever point that justice is delivered.

Be it for business or personal.

I cannot simply "leave it"... (lol reminds me of that dog command!)

I do not believe that many AT can function well with deceit, in business or personal affairs.

When in sales, there was a level of theft amongst sales associates, that I could not support.
When reported, I was given a verbal pat on the head, accompanied by, "That's sales."
When accused of such theft, due to my high sales (front of the pack in my numbers) I quickly would have to rectify that by taking the accuser to the manager and politely requesting an admission of guilt. I must say he who went after me in that fashion, never repeated. I would simply say, I cannot tolerate dishonesty in any form, and that is why this is taking place.

My latest was associated with a cell phone provider (don't trust AT&T agents) that encourages agents to assign new lines to accounts without consent, at extremely financial penalty to reverse.

It's exhausting living in a NT world. They never get tired of such games.

How many can relate?
On a different note, I really enjoy your profile pic - so cute! But it also makes me curious what breed of dog?
I don't actually subscribe to the stereotype that ASD folks are more honest, though I think it is understandable that we appear so.

There are certain tendencies that can give contribute to that impression but are not actually motivated by honesty. Things like Black and White thinking, lack of filters (bluntness) and anxiety.

A study done last year shed some light on the subject. Though as just one study it remains unproven until others back it up. Anyway what the study found was that what often is the motivation for strict adherence to rules, not stealing, etc, is increased anxiety/fear about the consequences of getting caught, in trouble, etc.

I don't doubt your attitude is driven by conscience, a strong sense of doing what is right in your opinion, but I don't think that is the situation with ASD folks accross the board. I have seen quite a few that would not fit that description. Like many things it's more complicated.
On a different note, I really enjoy your profile pic - so cute! But it also makes me curious what breed of dog?
That is a Portuguese Water Dog! They are very interactive dogs, that must be close at all times.
They also speak in octaves. Yes, you guessed it... Canines are a special interest of mine.. smiles.
I don't doubt your attitude is driven by conscience, a strong sense of doing what is right in your opinion, but I don't think that is the situation with ASD folks accross the board. I have seen quite a few that would not fit that description. Like many things it's more complicated.

Agreed, there is always more than the black and white of it. Thank you for that insight and broadening of perspective.

Personally (In that of RL friends/aquaintances)I have very little (at this point) experience with others on the spectrum.

I can look back at the two people whom I know are indeed on the spectrum and say... They have high ethical standards, and it is not born from a fear of being caught. Yet, that is only two people.
Agreed, there is always more than the black and white of it. Thank you for that insight and broadening of perspective.

Personally (In that of RL friends/aquaintances)I have very little (at this point) experience with others on the spectrum.

I can look back at the two people whom I know are indeed on the spectrum and say... They have high ethical standards, and it is not born from a fear of being caught. Yet, that is only two people.
Our difference is we find it very! stressful to be deceitful not incapable and that's good, wanting to destroy is dangerous, you get a taste for it and it's very damaging to your psyche ,thus your physical body .
How many can relate?

The emotional component that seems to drive your attacks (“attacks”) is not a state of mind that I find sustainable. I admire your passion.
My son has similar tenacity.
While he was growing up, it was fascinating (though a little nerve-wracking at times) to watch him win arguments with grown-ups: teachers, faux IT people, and administrators.
Yeah. I had that problem at my last job. Lots of do I or don't I thinking along with a huge attempt to do righteously by the workplace. Meltdown, anxiety, stress, no communication with management who knew my condition. And no regards for boundary work. Maintenance workers are not "cooks" .
Sometimes it seems to me that the world cares for and respects people who are "nice" rather than caring for and respecting people who are trying to be honest and maybe lack the social finesse of the "nice".
I don't know what "nice" is supposed to be. Is it being agreeable, even in the face of stupidity? Luckily I was rarely faced with stupidity, but more commonly people doing things without thinking, or taking shortcuts, thinking that simple rules could replace good analysis.

To me, being nice was speaking truth to management and being able to have the data to support my position(s). Usually that is where my responsibility ended, though if the management decision was agreeable to me, I would put the effort in to make it work.
Your profile picture really looks like an alien. If you don't agree right away, stare at it until you do.

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