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Root of my misery ironic Roots Cafe.

Tony Ramirez

Single Lonely Hated Aspie
V.I.P Member
All this time I been blaming my friends, family, old past church, and even current and other church I am visiting but all this time the root of my anger came from going to the cafe all the time.

All the churches I visited yes every one I was welcomed with open arms. I was smiled at yes by women. I could approach them and not get my head torn off.

Then you know the Justin and then Madison drama that made me leave my first church. Patricia was understanding to bring me too Roots but right away it felt just like college and trade school when I said hi to a women next to me at when I got a drink the first day distraught and she gave me that resting face the mean one then sat alone snubbing me and won't even look at me. I felt way worse that I had to stim on three stooges shirts for at least an hour and got frustrated when I could not find three of my favorites on YouTube.

The next day game night was great where I felt welcomed since I only been to Roots on day.

As I joined the new church not realizing going to Roots everyday being ignored by women mostly getting mean stares yes but rarely getting smiles made me start to fear even approaching them even at my new church. It started to make me antisocial. Then hearing them talk about traveling gave me travel envy which fueled into both churches and haven't more rage since they ostracized me anywhere at the cafe.

I ended up getting more bitter more angry until you see the way I am now blaming everyone and everything as you can see the root of my anger all started at Roots the cafe. I think my best bet is to stop going there except for game night of course and just try to do something else in the afternoon you could stay home or just walk around my local neighborhood or just I don't know I don't know what to do that's it but other activities really start in the evening in the fall and I guess I would have to just stay home in the afternoon but I'm afraid of getting weight by not walking but I'll just have to ask other people what I can do that's it.
It's were the church people and others gather to play board games. People can join but none of the regulars ever from the cafe ever attended.
So basically all the people from both churches TGC and Hope which are linked suppose to go to the cafe linked but only about 3 women who all know me attend besides Patricia and her family on occasion. Not anyone else ever shows up except sometimes on game night when they are closed after hours from 6 pm until whenever it can go past 2 am.

That is why the clientele is all women snobs but none of them are spiritual are from church any of the churches Trinity Grace Church Hope Community Church or Park Slope Community Church with all nearby.

That is why my mind is poisoned and I'm afraid to even approach friendly women from the church now but that's going to change cuz I'm not going in no more except for game night and I want to start attending groups at all two churches and then when to change my mind and my mindset by my fear that's why yesterday at church when I approach Suzanne a woman from game night I was able to have a good conversation with her and I felt much more confident and my headaches and vertigo went away.

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