Whether it's music to accompany a recent breakup, or to play at a funeral, or to convert your mood from Euphoric-Party Mode to Now-I-just-want-to-die-in-a-rainy-gutter-clutching-an-empty-bottle-of-cheap-bourbon Mode, or if it's just something that for whatever reason brings tears to your eyes every gosh-darned time...why don't we all dig into our libraries and bring up something that can kill any mood on any occasion?
I'll start out with a couple:
M. Ward and Lucinda Williams covering "Oh Lonesome Me"
If you want to turn a sad song into a REALLY SAD song, bring in Lucinda Williams!
Joanna Newsom
"Only Skin"
Having listened to it over and over and over again, I'm convinced it's a song about death, and the haunting melodies and arrangements tend to reduce me to tears if I'm vulnerable enough.
I'll start out with a couple:
M. Ward and Lucinda Williams covering "Oh Lonesome Me"
Joanna Newsom
"Only Skin"
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