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Samsung overtakes Amazon as #2 tablet vendor in USA

Pink Jazz

Well-Known Member

It's official, Samsung has overtaken Amazon has the #2 tablet vendor in the USA as of Q1 2024 in terms of sales. For years the US tablet market has mostly been a duopoly between Apple and Amazon. Now Samsung has overtaken the #2 spot from Amazon as Android tablets become more competitive with iPads. In addition to the high-end Samsung tablets, Samsung's budget models are becoming more competitive, with the new Tab A9+ being a huge leap from its predecessor the A8 and are giving the Amazon Fire tablets a run for their money.

Interestingly #4 is TCL and #5 is Microsoft (Surface). Neither Lenovo nor Google Pixel made the top 5.
If Samsung's tablets are as good as their phones, then it's really not too surprising that they would hit the #2 spot. I use a Samsung phone myself, a Galaxy S24 Ultra, and the thing is bloody amazing.

As tablets go, I wish I had a Samsung tablet like the ones you mention, I have an iPad, the huge 12-13 inch model, and frankly I cant stand the thing. As it is, it's just a white-noise machine to help me sleep. Unless I'm travelling, then it's a spectacularly awful way to watch Youtube. Horrid device.
I have been looking into inexpensive tablets to use a writer device or do college work since my gaming laptop is a bit too heavy to be carrying around up and down stairs (faster than the campus elevators and more exercise), and I'm looking for options that would be good enough for those two simple tasks.
If Samsung's tablets are as good as their phones, then it's really not too surprising that they would hit the #2 spot. I use a Samsung phone myself, a Galaxy S24 Ultra, and the thing is bloody amazing.

As tablets go, I wish I had a Samsung tablet like the ones you mention, I have an iPad, the huge 12-13 inch model, and frankly I cant stand the thing. As it is, it's just a white-noise machine to help me sleep. Unless I'm travelling, then it's a spectacularly awful way to watch Youtube. Horrid device.
Even the Samsung s20 fe I have holds up pretty well.
Would be even nicer to see Samsung move into that coveted "number one" spot. Apple's public image continues to take a beating in the media and rightfully so, given their poor reputation involving repair, as well as overcharging customers for essentially everything.

Markets continued to evolve, and in doing so erode Apple's cherished cult following. Yet despite all this, they also continue to prove to be a technological innovator in the market on a broad scale.

Meanwhile it appears that Samsung and the South Korean market (KRX) continues to be proactive over the possibilities of hostile takeovers of such prosperous companies. Otherwise at some point I'd suspect Amazon's Jeff Bezos would just gobble up Samsung because he can.

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