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Saying random stuff once in awhile for no reason and to no one


Well-Known Member
I've been known to say certain words relevant to my obsessions at random to no one for no reason.

The words are:

Buick (I love cars)
Dove sono i bagni (I took Italian in college)
Mine is "MOOK!"

My word for cute little doggies....whenever I see them on tv or anywhere else. If they're big doggies I'll say it in a deeper voice. :p

Yeah I'm weird. Get over it. ;)
Whenever I feel like saying something absurd to people who are used to it for no reason, I often randomly say the word "Shrek".

I have absolutely no idea why
I think Buick is part of my obsession with creating a fantasy Monterey Historics schedule. Several race groups would feature Buicks.
When I'm bored I say random stuff. Sometimes I say something so stupidly funny that I laugh. Examples: "I'm planting sheep!", "Todd just ruined that piece of bread!", "Check out my forehead!", and "I like opening empty cardboard boxes to see what's inside".
A few years ago I would always say the words crab and cucumberbomb in Swedish (krabba, gurkbomb). I have no idea why. Today I don't use "weird" words, I just say random letters put together, like hasklabir or trakarula. Don't know why either, it just feels right.
Lately I've been saying "Porsche" for the same reason I used to say Buick. I've also said "Formula 5000" (a racing format in the sixties and seventies sanctioned by the SCCA using Formula One cars with five liter engines which a local historic car racing event tributed less than ten years ago that I'd like to see again and have on a fantasy list for the classic car racing event in Monterey).

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