Well-Known Member
So I am kind of scared about this and haven't told anyone else so thought I'd post here. I think I may have an alternate personality. In fact I am pretty sure of it. For years, I'd have these periods where I would like black out or just lose periods of time, usually no more than a few hours, sometimes a day or so but no longer than that. This started happening when I was about 12 or 14. Normally I am pretty shy and well mannered, but I'd get these periods where I'd completely change to myself and those around me. I'd dress completely different, like completely. I am normally dressed pretty formally, I like that style, I wear button downs, bow ties or neck ties, khakis, etc. But then I change and I dress completely different. I will wear cow boy boots, plaid shirts, jeans, and even talk differently. During these times, I don't forget things entirely, but it's the strangest thing, it's like I am there but I am not there, it's very hazy. Here's the kicker. When I have these episodes, I give my name as Rob. This is NOT my name at all. I am not even aware I am doing it half the time. One friend I have known for years tells me she saw me once or twice and that I was acting totally different, very masculine, butch, (I am openly gay) she said it was like she was seeing and taling to a straight person. This has been going on for years. The first time I was aware of "Rob" was in like 2006. I blacked out for 2 days and all I remember was being online and chatting to some guy and agreeing to meet him but then I lost my memory after getting in the car. I vaguely remember being with him and hanging out with him and some other guy, but I just forget a ton of things. Then the next day I remember it was mid afternoon and I suddenly wondered where the time went. I have no idea how I got to a certain place where he had dropped me off. The episodes seem to correlate with high promiscuity. I see chats on Grindr and places that this Rob has done, and it's nothing I'd say at all. It's very sexual, very provokative. I am just confused about all of this. I am already diagnosed as mildly autistic, and I am afraid I have another personality.
I am feeling extremely confused a lot and as I am getting older, I feel less and less like my true self, and more likesomeone else. If that makes any sense. I just hear all these thoughts and feelings in my head that I don't think are mine. Only last month, I had several instances where this "rob" person came out and I barely remember anything except just vaguely, like a dream. Basically, he hooks up with guys for sex, and that's that. I never hookup myself. I find it disgusting. I am just ashamed to bring this up to my psychiatrist or therapist, because they finally think they have a handle on me, and I am getting ready to start a new job, so things are really getting better for me. But I just can't shake this other stuff going on in my head. WHat should I do? Has anyone else had this happen? I know I probably sound like a complete idiot.
I am feeling extremely confused a lot and as I am getting older, I feel less and less like my true self, and more likesomeone else. If that makes any sense. I just hear all these thoughts and feelings in my head that I don't think are mine. Only last month, I had several instances where this "rob" person came out and I barely remember anything except just vaguely, like a dream. Basically, he hooks up with guys for sex, and that's that. I never hookup myself. I find it disgusting. I am just ashamed to bring this up to my psychiatrist or therapist, because they finally think they have a handle on me, and I am getting ready to start a new job, so things are really getting better for me. But I just can't shake this other stuff going on in my head. WHat should I do? Has anyone else had this happen? I know I probably sound like a complete idiot.