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I just thought I'd post here about my experience with school. I'll start at the start. Which is always a good place I figured! I'm in the UK so my school system goes like this: age 5 to 11 is infant and junior school and ages 12 to 18 is secondary and sixth form. At 5 you start in year 1 and carry on until you get to year 13 (last year of sixth form). We do GCSE's in year 10 and 11 (age 15 and 16) and then A Levels in year 12 and 13 (age 17 and 18). There. I had a pretty rubbish time in infant and juniors, I never made many friends and I was always the clever one, so no one wanted to know me! In secondary school I made a few freinds in year 7 and kept them for about a year and then everything went catastrophically wrong! Me and my best friend, lets call her Abby, were friends with 3 other girls, lets call them Becky, Carly and Dixie and it was okay I guess. But then Abby decided to fall out with Becky, Carly and Dixie one by one, and as I wasn't too confident I kind of just went with it. But then she fell out with me and went back to them, and they started making up things about me and bullying me, and that spread across my entire yeargroup until everyone seemed to hate me. I had to leave that school after year 9 (I'd had an incomplete year 8 and 9 due to absence because I was scared of being bullied)and go to a new school for the beginning of year 10. I didn;t m ake friends super fast, but I made some eventually through the first month. Unfortunately, pretty much the same thing happened, faster, but not as severe, and so I left there 3/4 of the way through year 10. Without any qualifications. So for two years I was just left to slip through the system and go without education. I had a nervous breakdown and loads of therapy, but eventually (after being diagnosed wrongly as mentally ill) they diagnosed Aspergers. And so in September 2008 I went back to my first school and asked if I could enter year 10 to do my GCSE's (because this meant me being 2 years out of age range, it took some persuading, but they let me in eventually). It went really, really well to start with, except I had an issue with the school jumper, but they let me wear a different one so it was okay. (I have sensory issues when it comes to clothing, this issue has worsened with age hence why I didn't have a problem with the jumper the first time I was at the school. It's getting better now though). BUT. Towards the end of year 10 we got a new headteacher, he wasn't starting until the beginning of year 11 but he implemented some of his rules early and they now had issues with my jumper being different. I won't go into it too much because I'm still really upset about it, but after not being able to find one that they would allow and that I was okay with, I had to leave at the beginning of year 11. Still without and qualifications. SO. Now they are doing everything they can to get me a couple of GCSE's working from home and are hopefully going to let me into sixth form to do my A Levels, even though I don't meet the requirements for entry. So, it turned out okay I guess. Sorry this was so long, I just thought I'd post it, and if anyone has any similar problems or anything we can talk about it in more detail if you want. =)

I actually had to go through kindergarten twice because of my age and they said it would help me socialize better. In the US school year started in September, I was four then, but turned five in November of the first year in kindergarten. When I went into first grade the next year is was the same, being only 5 but would turn 6 in two months. Went to first grade for a week then the teachers decided I was too young, at least thats what i remember, I was only 5. There was something about socializing, but I can't remember.
I had my share of bullying throughout school until my junior year of high school when I at least learned how to not be a target, but that didn't mean I was making any friends either. Most times I didn't know I was being bullied, and when I realized it, didn't know how to handle it. I think one of the oddest ideas I had, was during lunch I was being insulted and walked over an poured my drink on the persons food, really didn't make sense. That became a joke that spread around for a while. And realizing the difference between joking and real insults was hard at times. I think not knowing how to handle the situation was my biggest problem.
I think one of the reasons I got through my school problems was because I had parents that really supported me and helped me through rough patches.
I also think I made more friends in recreation activities like boy scouts, volunteering, and clubs. I had a common interest with everyone by default and there was structure to activities.
I'll probably think of more later or start another topic. Later.
That sucks D:. I really hope it works out for you :(. I can relate on the Primary school thing, I made basically no friends and the two friends I did have stopped talking to me in High School >_< meh xD. Academically though, I've had no were near as many problems, it really does suck that the education system is that ignorant when it comes to handling issues like bullying(imo, no one should be forced to leave school because THEY'RE being bullied) and special needs.
The two friends I had in Primary school was this person called Sabrina and Fay. I wasn't really that bothered when we lost contact, and me and Fay still do keep in contact sort of(we live across the road, LOL). I tended to get along better with guys so I had some male friends, but most of them were jerks and I fell out with them.
One of my best friends was this guy called Nick and then he asked me out when I was 10(LOL) and so I entered High School and generally just hanged out with him and this other person called Hannah that sat next to me in Nick in Maths(she came in from one of the none-feeder schools and knew no one so yeah).
Then by Year 8 Nick cheated on me(LOOOL) so I just hanged out with Hannah and she introduced me to these other people. Year 8 was probably the best year socially because I was for the first time in a reasonably large friend ship group(like, 8 people).
Then in Year 9 I found it too much, so I was kind of jerk and slowly stopped talking to them and started eating on my own. I'm in Year 10 and it's basically the same but for like 2 weeks I dated this other guy and was best friends with him, but I didn't like it so I went back to sitting on my own and eating on my own.
I actually have some male friends that I talk to at lunch if I can be bothered, and I tend to just talk to these two people who are female in my set from time to time(I can't really keep up with their conversations, I get bored, so I just randomly but in from time to time when it seems interesting).
No one really believes me when I say I'm a loner by choice but it's the genuine truth xD.
P.S Sorry for the use of 'LOL' I like the word ;D. And also, sorry if the post is a bit all over the place, I edited it like 3 times changing the places of paragraphs and stuff so yeah ^_^.
EDIT: @raiimonarch10: Yeah, I'm the same. When people are bullying me I have no idea how to react. Some times I've solved the issue accidentally though, and then been amazed at how simple it was, and then the one's which I thought would work(like apologising for whatever it is about me which makes them hate me) made things just way worse o_O.
Despite not being an aspie - as far as I know - I got a pretty tough time at school, and share some of the traits that come with AS.

I was almost scared of starting secondry school when I left year 6, so i tried to latch onto people i knew in my form when i started, but that didn't last. Everybody seemed to 'pair up' almost, with me being left out. I was kind of friends with some people by the end of year 7, but over the summer holidays everybody seemed to change. The people i was friends with had somehow spontaneously become giant d-bags, so i was left with nobody.. well. One or two good friends that i could rely on. I used to spend all lesson time, breaktimes, etc with said one or two good friends up until i started getting abuse for it. It sucked, i felt like people could instantly read my inconfidence and would take advantage, even if its random comments in hallways or throwing stuff at teachers in lessons and framing me for it. That kind of crap, i never knew how to defend myself. I grew to hate my one best friend due to the amount of stick i got for being with him all the time. I went to a grammar school (a school that has specific entry requirments, for those of you that didn't know - Americans i assume), so the students came from far and wide which meant i had practically no friends outside school, since they all lived too far away... so i spent all my time on my computer. In year 9 i hated my best friend and started talking to some girls from school on msn one night since they added me. Turns out they only added me to take the piss out of me, but after listening to me for a while they felt bad about it and befriended me. I was great friends with them until the end of year 11, though never actually spoke to them in real life due to my own social inconfidences - approaching them was a big issue for me and if i did, i felt like i wouldn't have known what to say. I spoke to them on occassion. In year 10 for GCSE's they mixed up the sets in relevance to people's options, which was probably the best thing that could have happened for me. I made friends with a few people in each lesson i was in and at least had one person i could talk to in each lesson which was good. I started to get less grief from people as time went on, I also lost the feeling of need to be friends with a group of people in fear of being deemed a 'loner'... infact I was absolutely fine with being alone, and spent plenty of time practising that. I'd say the final thing that was bad for me at school was the last day. The general atmosphere was too friendly. All the people that had been abusive to me over the years had a friendly, smug attitude, as if it was all in the past and in good humour and that we should just move on. I didn't stick around after school that day for a single second to say bye to anyone like everyone else did.

Then i started college in september 2008... i still only have one good friend there, but thats enough for me. The best thing about it is we all have a common interest - music (its a music course), which is fairly important since the people there actually *want* to learn rather than being forced to... although a lot of them can be a bit 'slow'.
My school experiences....oh boy

Well, I was originally in a special needs school, due to me being diagnosed at an early age, but then I was moved to a mainstream school, close to where I live. Things were pretty hard on the social front, always were; workwise, I always did my best and was definately one of the smartasses XD..... I came out with straight 5's in my SATS (highest mark being in maths) and then I went to the bigger pond of....

High school was probably the worst times of my life so far, bullied by assholes, in year 7, 8 and 9, I got stick from people for talking to one of the teachers about life, since id be totally dependant on her, when it all turned ugly when I was forced to not see her, I was crushed, I was furious, but then, my independance just shot up when she left the school...not because of me I assure you. The work went swimmingly well as usual, but as you guessed it...I still had some horrid people, but I did have friends... but these horrid people would sometimes exclude me from doing stuff with the friends...yknow, and these are guys, not gals, so its kind of odd (no offence to the girls, just saying that it seems more of a girl thing to do this).

I got my 3A*'s 5A's 1 B 1C and 1 D in GCSE and finally, it was time to motor on to a new school, for 6th Form.

6th Form
Well, I've sat 3 AS papers so far, very hard, but C1 maths went ok. I have made strong friends already....

But, something that started to resonate in my mind in High School was about girls, yknow "girls"...

Right now also, im worried that people do not respect me, and I also now have to cope with not being the smartest.... I know this sounds soo egotistical, but it felt like that me being one of the smartest WAS my identity, right now however, I act like a fool to please the spectators, although some are overstepping the mean line..

I've been rejected twice by two girls also, which really hurt my confidence and my self esteem, I am quite depressed, or have been for months now, I feel like such a failure.
Well, here's my experiences:

Primary School [7 years after nursery]

Got along with people OK in primary school. Had made some friends but never socalised with them outside of school. Then one day we moved house to the other side of town and my parents had arranged for me (without me knowledge) to join a new school. I was disappointed as I would be leaving my friends from my other primary school behind and have to start over again. After a while I fitted in and made some new friends, but again I didn't see them outside of school. One day we had a car accident which left me with bad stomach pains. Then the problems began. My last two years in that primary school my attendance was poor. I got singled out for being the one that didn't attend. People asked me why and I said I has stomach pains. They laughed. At the time though, I didn't know the medical term was "stomach migraine". Was put on tablets to combat this and eventually got better after Junior High IIRC.

Junior High School [3 years]

I then went to Junior High School. My attendance became worse and worse. I had problems sleeping at the right times, I wouldn't eat at the right times. I was fussy about what I ate. I felt down/depressed and still had the stomach pains from the crash. I had some friends but my poor attendance made it hard for me to keep those friendships. I was verbally bullied a lot for missing school. The more I stayed off, the harder it was to go back and the more I got left behind. I liked computers a lot and set up my first website with a guest book. Bad idea. My website became very popular and bullies started using the guest book to write insulting messages about people with my name on them. They exploited the fact that I had a crush on this girl and used the guest book to write bad messages about her too. Eventually I got sick of it, closed down my website and started telling teachers/principles every time I was insulted/annoyed by others. This lead to me being branded as a tell-tale/tout and my reputation declined. I still managed to go to the school disco once with a few friends and had a somewhat good time. However, when walking home I was assaulted twice for no reason by someone who didn't like me. This made my confidence decline.

During all of this, I had to see support teachers such as an Education Welfare Officer and a Social Worker. I was later sent to a specialist doctor who eventually diagnosed me with Aspergers Syndrome [this was in my last year of Junior High towards the end]. At first I rejected it but then later accepted it after doing intense internet research. The doctor suggested I try a specialist school which I did for a while but didn't like it. I returned to Junior High to finish off my last remaining time. There was also a court case about my severe lack of attendance. I missed my transfer exams for the next school [either a college or Senior High School] but was given the school average mark. There was also a situation were my 3 friends fell out with each other and I was stuck in the middle. Two went off together so I stayed with the other remaining one. This was a big downturn to me.

Senior High School [2 years]

I missed out on going to college due to my automatic average marks in the transfer exams from the previous school. I didn't really care about college any way and had some school friends who also joined the Senior High. My attendance was still poor. I also met one of my best friends from my first primary school as he was in my form class. Although still friendly with him, we didn't talk much or hang out in Senior High. I felt like he had already made a lot of friends since I last seen him and didn't feel I fitted in anymore. It was liked he'd moved on. However, I got to know others in my form class despite having still poor attendance. My form class was unique and everyone got on really well with each other. However, the way the school system worked, we were merged with other form classes for subject classes depending on what subjects you chose. This meant that in certain subject classes, bullies from Junior High were present. Despite this, I was mainly left alone.

One day I decided to tell my form class about my AS diagnoses in order for them to better understand my difficulties and poor attendance. I did this with the help from my science teacher who is popular with my form class and also happens to be a counselor. He understood my idea and decided it was best for him to explain a little about AS to some of the more "sensible" in the form class. I chose some people for him to tell and then they eventually passed the word around my form class. People in my form class were very understanding and became more friendly towards me as a result. I feel this only worked though because of the people in my class who were all good people. This wouldn't work for everyone.

Despite the feelings between me and my class getting better, my attendance was still poor, although had slightly improved since Junior High. I suppose I was still stuck in a rut and still not sleeping properly. I didn't get any good GCSE's due to my poor attendance and the fact that it was also coursework based (which obviously I wasn't their for). During all of the time since the car crash, I was on and off tablets for different things. I eventually cut off all support and Psychologist meetings as I couldn't cope with it anymore. I just wanted to get back to normality (if there's even such a thing).

College [if you don't do the first college, you do Senior High and then this college]

I went to college and studied a First Diploma in ICT for Practitioners as it required no entry grades. Most of my form class from the previous school went their separate ways and to study on different campuses. [The college has different campuses within towns across the county]. I went to the closest campus which was located beside my previous Senior High. Turns out, this is the worst campus of the lot. I got through it although found it hard due to not having my old friends/class mates with me anymore. I don't particularly like the college due to this and my attendance and sleeping pattern was still bad. I did successfully pass the course and gain Merits and Distinctions, being near the top of my class despite attendance.

I then went on to do a National Diploma for the same course. A lot of people dropped out and I still didn't like it as I had no real friends. I passed the first year, although failed some subjects, and was accepted for the second of the two year course. The second year started back in September 2009. I really started to hate it and my sleeping pattern didn't improve. I feel that I am more distant to the people I became friendly with in the first year of the course. I missed the summer of that same year as I made a lot of social advancements. Going back to college on my own was like a step backwards.

I didn't get on with my class anymore. I stopped attending completely and arranged an emergency meeting with the college to discuss the future of my education. They said it was too late to start back on the same year of the course and suggest I repeat a year starting from Monday of next week (January 25th 2010). This will allow me to improve the grades of the subjects I failed in the first year. So that's were i'm at. They also recommended seeing a doctor about my sleeping problems. The doctor wouldn't give me sleeping tablets as they were addictive, so not a lot of help. He basically said that I have to lie in bed regardless if I am tired or not and my body well eventually adjust to sleeping at the right times. It did work for a while but then I slipped back into my old routine.

So, it all depends on what happens on the 25th. If I don't attend these next 1 & 1/2 years my education is really screwed. If I do attend, I plan to go to Belfast with my brother to study Graphics Design at HND level. Hopefully it works out that way. Sorry for the looooong post.
I'm still waiting for something to come my way. I feel as though everyone has abandoned me really. I guess some schools are better than others. Sigh. I might be getting home tutoring until I go college but that's expensive and we're hoping school might help me out with that...though I doubt it.

Going to be sending off some letters asking for referrals and predicted grades for college.

Sigh. Schools. <_<
College kicked ass, for the most part. The classes were just hard enough to keep me interested and keep my undiagnosed ADHD at bay. I met the girl I'd end up marrying, and she was the first (and so far the only) girl to *like me* like me because of the way my mind works. People who didn't like me were far too busy living their own lives to hassle me. I lived away from my parents while school was in session, so I hardly ever got screamed at.

And my own health and attractiveness, and that of the females I was constantly surrounded by, were at their absolute lifetime peak. Sometimes I miss those days.

Middle school, on the other hand... forget flame-broiling, they ought to just send the evildoers to middle school when they die.
I'm still waiting for something to come my way. I feel as though everyone has abandoned me really. I guess some schools are better than others. Sigh. I might be getting home tutoring until I go college but that's expensive and we're hoping school might help me out with that...though I doubt it.

Going to be sending off some letters asking for referrals and predicted grades for college.

Sigh. Schools. <_<

I forgot to say, I find it difficult to go out in public at all now. People scare me and confuse me. I can't stand bumping into people I know.
I don't like going out in public neither... more because I just find people idk annoying as hell.
The people I actually do know can be 10 times worse I suppose...
I've noticed a few people from school in town before, and they've just kept on walking, but there's groups of guys I've noticed in town who I know for a fact if they noticed me would follow me the entire time I was in town. If I was really unlucky they'd get the bus back too with me :/.
That might seem like a really elaborate situation... but I do genuinely think there's a reasonably significant probability it would.
I don't like going out in public neither... more because I just find people idk annoying as hell.

Haha, as you probably know supermarkets are a nightmare. Sometimes I REALLY get the urge to just say to a random person: "Look, will you just BACK UP. Jeez." or at least that's what I think in my head. And holding it in just aggravates me even more. All these thoughts in my head and just wanting to really SHOUT them out. I end up innocently ramming some people with the trolley as a bit of an outlet.
Yeah, that feeling's mutual.
I'm like that pretty much everywhere. I think it's because of the anxiety of being around people, I just want to get the hell out, and people being slow as [deleted] just adds to it and it's just a vicious circle.
Since other people are doing it, I might as well, not sure I have a lot to contribute though, but here goes anyway :)

Primary School

Not a lot to tell really. I had one good friend all the way through, who I did everything with. We hung out outside of school sometimes, and we were always together when we were in school. I was bullied quite badly at one point for a while, which led to me not wanting to go to school. It was mostly one boy, although obviously all his friends were kind of involved too, but they never really actively bullied me like he did. This was around year 5 I think. My mom found out about it, and contacted the school, at which point the headmaster got involved, and sat us both down to talk about it. This seemed to make things better, and he even became nice to me for the last year of Primary School. I had a few people I was friendly with, but I never saw them outside of school, and only played with them or hung around with them because they were there.

Secondary School

Was quite hard. I managed to gain entry to a Private school by taking an exam. The problem I had was that the only person at that school that I knew was my sister. So making friends probably wasn't going to be easy. Regardless I managed to make one good friend almost straight away. He was almost exactly like the friend I had in Primary School. I only stayed friends with him for 2 years though until we had a stupid argument and went our separate ways. Which I don't think I am too sad about. I think we grew up to be very different. The rest of the way through school and even in the first two years, I never really had anyone else that I considered a "friend". So I spent a lot of time by myself. I was that person that everybody seemed to know. Even people older and younger than me seemed to know who I was. I guess that made me the weird one in the school :) I don't think I was ever really bullied by anyone in my year, although there were those people that were unpleasant, for the most part I just kept my head down and tried to avoid anything. The problem I had was with some guys that were 2 years older than me. They seemed to take an interest in me, and I probably didn't help things. This was around the time I went through a patch where I would intensely stare at people for no reason, and they seemed to be the ones that were stared at. They were always making fun of me or trying to get me to talk (I didn't talk a lot, and I never talked at all around some people.). It was difficult to get through. But I did keep my attendance going, and my sister would stand up for me a lot. I struggled with lessons though. I guess having AS in a private school is going to make things difficult. Regardless I managed to get 2 B's, 4 C's and a D grade at GCSE.

I guess I was also a target because I am tall. I am now 6'7" which makes it kind of difficult to hide away, which is all I want to do :) I was always over 6' in High School too, so people obviously noticed me.


I left school after GCSE and went to a different college, I started a National Diploma in Software Development. I never really wanted to go to college, but my mom forced me to. The course was difficult. Having no previous programming experience made things difficult, as well as my lack of motivation to actually do the work. I found out that one friend from my previous school also decided to go to the same college, and do the same course as I did, although he was in a different group. So I hung out with him a little, as well as becoming friendly with a few people in my own group, and some from his group since I was with him a lot. He introduced me to a place fairly early in the college course that had computers for gaming. I started to go there a lot, and became friendly with most of the people who went there. The problem was that I started to spend too much time there. I started to skip some college lessons to hang around in there and play games. I got addicted I guess. Eventually I fell quite far behind, and the start of the second year, I decided that I couldn't do the course anymore. So I talked to some people and changed courses. I made a couple new friends in the group I was moved to, as well as maintaining contact with the previous friends, although not as much as I had before. Eventually the same thing happened though. I stayed addicted to the gaming place, and my college work suffered, and ended up leaving college at the end of the first year of my new course. Meaning I had completed the first year of 2 separate courses.

After that really isn't school life so I will leave it out :P Hope this wasn't too long.
All through my school life, ive been well behaved, the only part that I haven't been behaved was when I was at primary school... I used to annoy my teachers... since year 2, I got transferred to another school after I was diagnosed with autism and since then ive been in special ed.
I play mind games and stuff on RE teachers, and see how far I can get away with insulting them via paper. But that's basically it. And they're not really mind games I planned, they just seem to do _really_ weird things around me :S.
All through my school life, ive been well behaved

I got that a lot throughout my school/college history. Teachers are always singing my praises about how good/well-mannered and intelligent I am. The only thing they hate me for is my complete lack of attendance.  :whistle:

@Willow what's your current situation with school? Are you working from home?
Ow wow i don't wich terms i can use here as our school system is very different then the UK based or even the USA based system.

Nothing pretty much, i can't remember what i've done there on school.
Kids join pre school on the age of 3 to 4 years old.

Junior school:
This is the school you join with the age of 4 and half years old till your 12th.
This school wasn't special, but they were specialised of educating kids the basics of music, art and drama! How cool is that? I've learned to play music on 12 different instruments including piano and voice. Every tuesday and thursday we went to the museums and in the drama lessons we learned to act on stage en dance and finally preformed on stage in front of thousands of peoples. I've also acted some roles on the age of 10 in a film.

This is the school where they learn you the basics of life, you would be here on the age of 12 till your 17th or 17th.
But boy oh boy, have i ever been on such a boring school jeeezzzz... Altough they did teach me one thing in science; never open a gas valve and put your lighter under it :P and how to make fireworks :P

High School
This is the school where you will go to learn a specific role you want to have in life of a job. You will go here on your 16th or 17th birthday till the age of..........24-27 sometimes 36 in special cases.
So i was on this school and i got my second level degree and my thirth degree level, i stoppen in the middle of my 4th degree, just because i could fin the joy of being around on school, there was no new information, so i hacked school and got even more bored. I even had to explain the teachers the differences between a upload script and a login script...
So i quit school and went for a job, man is that hard to find! I hate phones! And still have a phone support job! How lame can it be huh? In the years that i am working now, around 4 years, i have had about 17 different job's. The best of all is that 65% had noting to do with the IT diploma's that i have most of the jobs are physical and no social interaction so perfect!

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