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screaming and roleplay?

who else does this

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does anyone else just randomly start screaming and find everything humorous for like hours straight to then just crash and not talk for the rest of the day? like this morning for instance i was talking to myself playing out scenes from my favorite shows and videos i found funny and just kept calling at my cats name every time I saw her. i kept laughing and am currently laughing while remembering this. any one else?
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Blood pressure?

Are you maintaing a good diet, sleeping well. One needs to work on these things, take time for constant evaluation of self....
Being on spectrum is harder life than most....

I have few articles with scattered info recently....under science discussions. if you read through we got chatting about learning to avoid meltdowns.

If above is in check, just laugh and call it a day off!!
If I asked you to draw a list of potential hazards that cause meltdowns....

and then said can we avoid situation yes/no

Can you prepare a way of dealing with situation that would produce a better outcome.

I had being meltdown free for a long time, until people came in my life which drew situation into reverse.
So I had to seek to empower myself by finding a freelance position enabled me flexibility to work at my own pace.

The mind is powerful, so is ones will. When you combine these two then it is better than any drug.
Blood pressure?

Are you maintaing a good diet, sleeping well. One needs to work on these things, take time for constant evaluation of self....
Being on spectrum is harder life than most....

I have few articles with scattered info recently....under science discussions. if you read through we got chatting about learning to avoid meltdowns.

If above is in check, just laugh and call it a day off!!
Im healthy and eating actually more better than I ever have, not too long ago I went to the doctors (1 month ago). Its just when I get really hyper I start to find everything humorous. was curious if anyone experiences the same thing.
Please don't scream at your cat. :pensive:
I dont like scream scream at her if that makes sense. Its when I get hyper and I see her passing by Ill scream her name like, "CHERRY!!!" then shell meow at me and come to me.

I edited my question to better portray what I meant. rereading it I realize how weird it seems.
Im healthy and eating actually more better than I ever have, not too long ago I went to the doctors (1 month ago). Its just when I get really hyper I start to find everything humorous. was curious if anyone experiences the same thing.
I hear you, and having laughing or happy spell is ok. Better than say argued with my brother n melted down.

My mom's diabetic and when she was off her insulin she behaving strangely!! This is when I really understood what is meant by neurological disorders. When your blood pressure is out then you are more inclined to have melt downs or behave odd.

Use it, abuse it, don't use it
Just pointing this out incase you unaware
Years ago I had happy spell....

Things were good at the time, happy I'd got my first decent job. (Brain releasing lots dopamine)

The laughing should slow down within hour to just cheery mood for rest of the day. (Just so you aware of mood regulation that's considered normal)

That is why I said if it's all ok, keep laughing.
My mother doesn't control her behaviour, she has a bi-polar diagnosis and nurses put her on epilum.

you may feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable....
Doctors sometimes mistakenly diagnose autistic people with bipolar disorder because both conditions share some similar behavioral differences.

If you can't self manage or regulate as advised you may end up like my mom
I hear you asking that's why I thought you trying to understand what's going on and self assess.
Don't feel bad we've all being through hi-cups and I'm not judging you. For anyone else reading this....

I had a nervous breakdown(not a proper word but one vaguely understandable) in my teen years. I had always being together, a bright student, masked through. What caused it I can't say specifically but for about 3 years I went off the rails and had some crazy episodes and did stupid things. I lost myself, and that's not me today.

I hit rock bottom, went to the shrink. Was given anti-depressants, sleep tablets etc. I decided not to take these and pull myself together....

To stabilise took a while, to calm down and get onto pattern of enjoying simple things like going for a walk, to start to emotionally regulate and get back to a routine.
I don't have that myself, or at least in that way. I think I sometimes have a short version, just a sudden inpulsive burst of silliness. But like I mention, very short, perhaps a few minutes.

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