If your memory problems started at birth it could be genetic if it’s just started now it could be depression the fact that you think about other things when you watch a movie is classic of depression Unless you’ve had a trauma to the head like a drug that has damaged your brain or you’ve hit your head ,it’s probably not amnesia ,amnesia would explain the memory loss classified as long-term ,I have memory loss but mine is because of psychological trauma ,not genetic or physical trauma. I blocked out depression, the psychiatric nurse said it is common in children to cut off your feelings to cope, mine started to come back very slowly.
Well when I was younger i did have some sort of memory problems I believe. As well as seizures .then in 2014 I was in a hospital where I was physically repeatedly thrown down on the floor And doubly abused About 3 times What I mean is originally I was pushed into this room And hurt then I didn't expect them to do what they did later on
Originally I thought it was just going to be 1 incident and maybe uh And then abuse that power but not the kind of abuce people personally pick out to abuse you
Originally in the first incident I was asking about my medication but the second incident I was just walking around the hallway
they were trying to carry me into some room then I was abused in a way you don't like to talk about I don't even know what it was back then and the kind of things that that you can't be touched
I don't know if this caused a brain injury because it was never caught
I don't know if I ever mentioned this in a video or not but here's how it happened I was picked up then droped then picked up then dropped all the way to the room then I was thrown on the middle of the floor
And then the people who I believe were Twins who were very tall heavyset womanwith darkTextured in brains hair in braids that abusing that you don't want to talk about
people say like my family sometimes originally didn't understand and still are in shock and still just believe it was restraining or something like that or trying to give me an enema actually but it wasn't that it was what I said i had never been ever abused like that before
My innocence was taken away and they gave me terrible back pains to this day even sometimes I don't know my head felt but I'm sure didn't feel good either
I don't know
Besides that horrible appears it was also terrifying 'cause I thought I was going to die and they said nothing to me not 1 single word and I begged them not to hurt me they just did what they did and didn't say a word back not that I'd feel better if they did I'm just saying that they made it extra creepy
I know that it was not what they said it was like returning or putting in a enema or putting on a cream
but there's first of all some other nurse helped me with that later on and Secondly even though I was doing things they may have seemed out of different or could be taken out of context they done that thing that I never knew could happen in my life And never thought would happen to me
ever since then I can't remember a thing really in detail except those incidents
I don't know whether i had a memory before that well I don't think i did really at all but it was nothing compared to what I have now I believe it's hard to tell I know i had trouble before
I don't believe I feel depressed as much as I feel confused then frustrated and like something else could have been made out of my life
and i wouldn't be having as many problems with the stuff i just mentioned
also like i wouldn't be as cognitively impaired but I don't know I could have been but who knows that I could be able to do more things like other people And not have to be so sheltered and isolated Or even to have the need to be
do you think it is possible never minor or somewhat brain injury that is undiagnosed or misdiagnosed or even underdiagnosed in some cases
I also was put on many different medicationsmedications I mostly didn't need except the ones from my doctors before And the ones that I take now
And I was putting a bunch of medicines at once a lot of people thought at the time I had psychosis and was hallucinating it
I've had mixed reactions from a lot of people some say it doesn't matter whether or not it was actually happened some people say its it didn't happen some people they definitely did and the hospital was trying to cover up which could be true but I believe what happened with the social worker who was there at the hospital when I was younger did not know what happened at the time because she was out andthe incident was near the nighttime I believe
I believe the medication that I didn't need being given the me throughout the years by different doctors
has been the cause of different things being mixed up when I write on this place sometimes
even though it's been years since or at least half a year since I've been medicated like that