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Well-Known Member
I've been told that Aspergers has been linked to epilepsy. I've had seizures for eighteen years, although I don't know when my first tonic-clonic (gran mal) seizure was.
epilepsy is more common in classic autism than aspergers.
am severely epileptic,have had it since a baby/young toddler,tend to experience seizures [tonic clonic] in clusters and sometimes status epilepticus.
also have abscense seizures but they havent been to bad in recent months,when they are bad;will get them throughout the day,the meds am on arent very good for petit mal.
Well, I have anger outbursts and meltdowns quite often due to family issues. That's one reason I keep my distance from them and isolate myself from them.
I'm not on any type of medicine at all by the way. What my family clearly needs to realize is that I have feelings like they do and that anything they say, whether it be of good intention or bad, can make me upset really easy. I'm a very sensitive young man (I'm 17 years old though) although I don't show my emotions as well as the NT's do.
I don't have seizures that often. It's pretty much impossible to predict when my next one will be. I've had surgery and am on medication and they have at least reduced the severity of the seizures greatly. I used to be horribly achy afterward like I had the flu. Nowadays I'm just a little sore in certain places.
I have things that are seizure-like (involuntary movement) but I'm not sure if they are seizures. I'll get back to you after I see the neurologist.
I have a mild seizure disorder which caused angry outbursts and blackouts, and it was exacerbated by anti-depressants. My psychiatrist actually ordered an EEG because he was wondering why my reactions to SSRIs etc. were so bad. Now I'm on Lamictal which controls it quite well.

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