Mister Anonymity
Well-Known Member
How frequent is selective mutism in Autistic children? I remember I was a child and I never used to speak until I reached the age of 7. I think my selective mutism is coming back. I have anxiety and I just don't know what to say in front of other people so I keep quiet. I don't have the stones or the balls to say anything to anybody. I don't think I can motivate myself to establish a dialogue between myself and other members of my community. I live in a small city where people are guarded and don't communicate as much with each other. When someone says hello to me, I keep quiet and ignore them. It's always been like that. Truth be told, people bore me to death. I'd rather be at home watching tv than going to a mixer or a social gathering. Cliques bore me to death. Being part of a group tailored toward certain social requirements and interests bores me to death. I've learned to distance myself by keeping my mouth shut and ignoring people.