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Sensory issue with sound


Well-Known Member
My neighbor has an electronic device to move away bats and the noise was, at first, no that loud. At night the sound has become loud and rhythmic (like a clock, but the noise last 7 seconds with 5 seconds intervals), with annoy me in a way that i cant sleep without ear plugs (they hurt my ears a bit), or study or think strait. But recently the noise has become continuum and even loud, and last all day, so i have to use the ear plug all day long, but still can hear the noise. I'm became irritated and emotional, i can't concentrate nothing seems to help. The people in my house seems to barely hear the noise, but its all i can hear
So you can have an idea about how the noise are, its two frequencies that oscillate continually between 12 and 18 Hz, if i'm not wrong.
I'm thinking about going to talk to my neighbor, so he can do something about the loud noise, but how can i go and say to someone that a noise who is barely notice for any people around, or don't annoy anyone it's literally driving me insane?
So, someone have any advice for me? Seriously, i dont know what to do anymore.
I sleep with a clock radio that has ambient sound loops. I play rainfall perpetually. It's no more than six inches away from my head and it does tend to blur other outside sounds whether they are low or high frequencies.

The only downside? I can't sleep without it.

Buy Noise Machines from Bed Bath & Beyond
I can't sympathize with your exact situation, but if a sound is bothering me i usually just use another sound to block it out. If its a loud tv i just put in headphones and turn on music. My subdivision sits a playground's distance away from the train tracks, too, so ever since we moved here i've been using one of those big box fans at night. It blocks out random night noises as well as the train. The only downside is now i can't sleep without some sort of low, constant sound. If nothing like this helps you block out the noise, i would definetally talk to your neighbor. You said it wasn't always that loud/continuous, right? Meaning he or she has changed up how its operating, right? Perhaps you can get them to agree to change it back to a way that bothered you less.
The frequencies used for those kinds of devices might be audible to children in your area, too. Some stores use something similar to keep teens from hanging around outside after dark. The noises aren't audible to most adults, but most children under a certain age are highly bothered by them.

Are there any families in the area you could talk with and see if their kids have noticed anything? That might validate your concern when you go to your neighbor.

And yes, I tend to be able to hear more of those frequencies than other adults my age. I can hear TVs and computer monitors squealing, the high-pitched whine of the little devices we use to scare off mice or roaches, and sometimes I can hear light bulbs burning.
I find I'm more sensitive to that high-pitched whine some machines like televisions put off. And rat repellers! I forgot about those. But I've never heard of an anti-bat box... Usually I hear of people encouraging bats because of bug problems.

Thankfully most whiny noises are quiet enough I can find something that makes a louder noise and drown it out.
A fan is a great idea, ear buds and plugs do get uncomfortable after a while. I can hear fluorescent lights, older cell phone chargers, and other various electronics.
Thanks everyone for the imput, makes me happy to know that so many of you take a bit of your time to help

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