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Sent into hysterical laughter by certain sounds and sights (languages, etc); anyone else have this?


Well-Known Member
Im wondering if anyone else on here has this phenomena, for lack of a better word.

For as long as I can remember, when I've heard certain sounds (for example, a tonal language like Chinese or Vietnamese), it strikes me as funny and can send me into hysterical laughter. Another example is a memory I have from when I was a teen of listening to a certain song that had a guitar solo at the end. The guitarist used the "whammy bar" to make the guitar sound very quirky, and I remember laughing so hard at it I gagged, as did my friend who was listening to it with me! LOL It seems that certain sounds just "tweak" my brain in a certain way and it can send me into a laughing fit. If i'm honest, I don't like it, because it makes me feel like a weirdo. Sometimes the laughter can hit out of nowhere when the sound does, and as you might imagine that can make for some awkward moments if I'm not in a place where laughter "matches up" with what's going on at the moment!

So can anyone else commiserate? I'm thinking this is a feature of my Aspergers. If not the Aspergers, then my ADHD. HAS to be.
I have heard several describe laughing at what seemed in appropiate moments and that it wasn't concious, but more an involuntary action. I remember one saying she felt impelled to laugh at funerals. (!)

So I think it's a thing, but not common. But i couldn't say either way whether it's due to autism or something else, like the many co-morbid conditions that often accompany autism.
I'm well aware of the concept of nervous laughter. Though pathologically speaking it's not something I do. In such cases I'm more likely to go mute and not make a sound.
It is neither nervous laughter or pseudobulbar. It doesn't happen randomly, along with cryin, like in pseudobulbar, and it doesn't happen when I'm nervous. As I said, it happens whenever certain sounds occur and it's like it tweaks my ears and my brain and sends me into laughter.
I can't do hysterical laughter any more because it just comes out as a forced loud shout and people go "sshh!" Being told to sshh in that way just lowers the mood.
I forgot NTs had such sensitive ears to loud laughing? /Sarcasm

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