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Share This Media?


Mage, Sage, Revolutionary
I loaded some pictures into albums. Great fun. Then I noticed a "share this media" button. Did I just make my prize pics available to members (for the restricted album) and everybody (for the general album) to post "just anywhere?" I don't want my best work going to Facebook, etc, I wanted to treat them as a gallery--see, don't share. Should I take everything down?
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You should be able to set privacy settings for your media, from only you, to people you follow, to members only, to public. I haven't uploaded anything in a while, and what I have seems to have disappeared (did I delete it? I can't remember!).
I'm switching everything back to owner only, then...I'm interested in showing art and viewing other people's galleries, but I don't want anyone making the images accessible outside of the album I put them in.

Is it possible to make albums a little easier to navigate among? It's very easy to manage media entries, but I'm finding it hard to pull up the albums profile.

Thank you for the quick reply above, and for your help!

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