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Sharing with you my journey with my faith


Nearly two years ago I started writing this story spanning decades of my walk with my faith. It is only today that I can say as a writer that I have managed to edify the church with the gifts I have been given which I was thrilled about. I have had other areas of interest in my life as well.
I'm not looking for comments really just sharing, it is about the gifts of the Holy Spirit spiritual Christian although I do like traditions at times. I am very glad to have experienced very good lecturers.
It is in my signature I have no idea if it will show will paste the link, it is one page with no ads.
I have like three online projects going on different things.
This is the link to my testimony.
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Thank you for this. It is nice to read how people can have incredibly different spiritual journeys and came to the same conclusion. It is a mature perspective on disability.

I think one of the things that is hardest to accept about Christianity is that it doesn't bring any earthly satisfactions. If you're seeking contentment, prosperity, enlightenment, healing, freedom from suffering - Christianity promises none of those. I mean, look at the Apostles, homeless, beaten, and eventually died horrific deaths.

2 Corinthians 11:23-28
Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death. Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.

Our physical or ven mental afflictions are not the point of our lives on earth. Case in point - Matthew 13:58. Jesus refused to heal when it became apparent the crowd just wanted to see him perform, rather than being receptive to God's glory.

Which suggests that it is not the healing of afflictions that is important to God, but that these healings brought glory to God. Paul's healing would not have brought glory to God. Ego, he wasn't healed. And millennia later, his struggles with disability continue to inspire this middle-aged woman (me) and I think of him everyday when limping through life.

Your journey with Jesus has been very spiritual and insightful. In many ways, similar to mine because my life has also been dominated by disability. In other ways, the opposite because, I was a hardcore atheist. I was so hardcore that I engaged my pastor in debate for six months straight, throwing everything I had at him to disprove Christianity and his claims of the Resurrection being historical fact, only to have him kick my butt. I even went as far to write code to partially reconstruct the New Testament based on early Church fathers (pre-325 AD) quoting the New Testament alone to verify his claims that the NT is so well documented from early outside sources.

Turns out, winning debates is easy when you have all the facts on your side, as my pastor did. So, here I am 4 years later. I'm still an extreme skeptic. Just one that arrived to the conclusion that the Resurrection happened.
Thank you so much for your reply jsilver56, I am going to return and keep on reading it. Some of us as have said have different paths. I think you have made great strides as a Christian as you have converted relatively recently but have long term struggles.
I recently regained my faith in God and began identifying as a Christian again, after a period in the wilderness of agnosticism and atheism.

I am glad to hear the stories of others to this end, also.
These projects help give more of an meaning to my life as well. I am thrilled that I edified the church. I don't know what I will do next. I made a video though which I will share with you. The personal photos were taken at a better time physically for me during Covid lockdown in 2020 when I wanted to give thanks to God in church. The rest is recent, even Pentecost day my favourite in the calendar I got that down and it is about what the gifts of spirit is related to with its connection. My parents advised me no personal photos at the moment so I got inspired.
It is not a long video. It kind of makes me emotional even with my back out, long story. I have done other covering videos for other projects as well.

I said today I feel that Jesus gives us our testimony to write as Christians. I do feel like that and I think he does for all Christians as I mentioned and I like reading other peoples testimones and learn from some and give Glory to God for them as well. Jesus is the head of the church and as Christians are just part of his body. He knew ok that I have enjoyed writing from childhood even with grammar issues and would document something. I hope that we all have our ones to write. We all have our unique stories to write. It is seeming now quite timely as well. I would look back and read on them. It is still a walk for all of us and perhaps this might not be my final testimony. Who knows.
I said today I feel that Jesus gives us our testimony to write as Christians. I do feel like that and I think he does for all Christians as I mentioned and I like reading other peoples testimones and learn from some and give Glory to God for them as well. Jesus is the head of the church and as Christians are just part of his body. He knew ok that I have enjoyed writing from childhood even with grammar issues and would document something. I hope that we all have our ones to write. We all have our unique stories to write. It is seeming now quite timely as well. I would look back and read on them. It is still a walk for all of us and perhaps this might not be my final testimony. Who knows.
Please don't give up on getting better. You are so unique and spiritual and clearly care deeply about the church and Jesus. Your writing is absolutely beautiful with or without grammar issues. Keep on doing it and I hope you have many more testimonies to give.

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