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shocks in my head

i was first diagnosed with panic disorder because of my frequent panic episodes, so i frequently get intense shocks and zaps mainly in my head and eyes and face. it can last for days and it interrupts my sleep because i cant sleep when i cant even close my eyes they just open right away from the pain.... im curious to know if anyone else has this issue...im currently experiencing it right now and it hasnt been this bad since last year; last year i didnt sleep for 5 days straight. im worried that they will last for a while again...

if anyone else also deals with this what stops it or atleast helps?
Hi AliceBlossom

I used to get exactly that, but my was due to trying come off from prozac and when I made up my mind, that I had no choice but go through it ( before I panicked due to the sensations and thus, continued taking the evil drug).

So, for me, it stopped.
Hi AliceBlossom

I used to get exactly that, but my was due to trying come off from prozac and when I made up my mind, that I had no choice but go through it ( before I panicked due to the sensations and thus, continued taking the evil drug).

So, for me, it stopped.
im glad it stopped for you! ive been lying down this entire time and ive managed to get an hour of sleep in! it feels a lot better and it helps that im calmer right now. its crazy how the mind can do stuff like this to us. i know our causes for these symptoms are probably different, but i assume their both psychologically stemming even if mine is genetic (what the docs said when they diagnosed me with panic disorder),

update: it feel worse now i cant even. i think im going to have to go to the ER because my head feels like it will explode i dont know what else to do. i appreciate the talk its nice to have someone to share this with, it helps. God bless you
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