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Should I have my CV, cover letter and Linkedin profile professionally written?

Mr Allen

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Just had an email earlier with this, for about £8 she'll create you the perfect CV, cover letter and Linkedin profile.

Sounds legit but even with a perfect CV and all the rest of it, I'm still a 42 year old disabled Aspie, so most employers would tell me to go away.

What do you think?
I can send you a site to help you write a CV and cover letter if you want? Also don't mention being disabled/Aspie in the application.
I wouldn’t do it. I think it’s more important to focus on attainable jobs than it is to focus on rewriting your CV.
I would make sure you see some samples first before you commit to buying. I once paid a lot of money for a professional to write a CV for me, about 70 pounds, and it sounded stilted and was a load of crap. I had more luck and made a better job of it when I wrote it myself.
Another reason I wouldn't let another person write especially your cover letter is that it should be a representation of you, in my opinion. If you do get invited to an interview and it turns out that your personal style is very different from that in your cover letter, it'll become apparent that you didn't write it yourself. As a prospective employer I wouldn't want to hire someone that didn't write their own letter.
My cover letters aren't really standard fare. They do get me invited to interviews, because my letters stand out for that, and prospective employers become curious about me. I have been rejected for way more jobs than I've been hired for, but I've always gotten good feedback for having my own style.

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