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Should I sign up to a course from the Job Centre for "work preparation"?

Mr Allen

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

About 2 months ago I went for a meeting at a local Job Centre, anyway my original intention was to sign back up to Remploy, but they said not to do that because of their demand to work 16 hours per week which I can't do without drastic changes to my weekly schedule and care plan.

So they suggested joining a "Work Preparation" group, initially I said no because, well, I've been doing voluntary work for longer than I care to remember, so do I need to "prepare" for work? No, I do not (at least not IMO), anyway, my single handed efforts to gain work outside of the voluntary sector have been to date, unsuccessful, every time I declare my disability, especially AS, my application gets binned.

I have reservations about signing up to a group, firstly I hate group work, I'd much rather work either 1 to 1 or alone, plus whenever I've done this kind of thing before I've nearly always been the eldest in a group full of 17/18 year old kids who clearly don't want to work, but have been sent under threat of benefit sanctions if they don't attend. So anyway, should I risk this happening again and sign up, with their allegedly being the chance of a paid job at the end of the course, based on working 10 hours a week over 2 days, at full minimum wage of £7.20 (About $9 an hour at current exchange rate) per hour?
I say go for it. There's a chance you might learn something from it and I don't think you have anything to lose, do you? Yes, you might be bunged up in a group of young adults but why should you care? It's transitory. You're there for a couple of hours for a few sessions then it's done, and the experience might have benefited you. Do it for yourself.

Also, a tip for handing CVs if you're declaring you have a disability, write a page on how it affects you and put a positive spin on it. Tell them things like it makes you a trustworthy, honest and someone who strives for perfection. And that the giants of the employment market namely the BBC, Google, Facebook, Ford and others are actively looking for autistic employees because they're aware of their strengths. If at the end of the day you still didn't get the job you've at least made an employer aware that actually autism has a lot of positives too which helps us all. I might be stating the obvious to you but I thought it might be something worth mentioning.
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I say go for it. There's a chance you might learn something from it and I don't think you have anything to lose, do you? Yes, you might be bunged up in a group of young adults but why should you care? It's transitory. You're there for a couple of hours for a few sessions then it's done, and the experience might have benefited you. Do it for yourself.

Also, a tip for handing CVs if you're declaring you have a disability, write a page on how it affects you and put a positive spin on it. Tell them things like it makes you a trustworthy, honest and someone who strives for perfection. And that the giants of the employment market namely the BBC, Google, Facebook Ford and others are actively looking for autistic employees because they're aware of their strengths. If at the end of the day you still didn't get the job you've at least made an employer aware that actually autism has a lot of positives too which helps us all. I might be stating the obvious to you but I thought it might be something worth mentioning.

Hmm, I might try the BBC Sheffield place on Shoreham St, I wouldn't mind doing local Radio, and my experience in Hospital Radio might go for me.

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