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Should I tell my boss?

Highway Cowboy

Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm 46 year old Trucker and recently diagnosed with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism.
The only person I have told is my missus. I have not told anyone else (other than you guys on here).

Do you think I should tell my boss in work about my Aspergers? I do sometimes have issues with work, such as if there is a last minute change to my run after I've got it all planned out in my head or if there is a diversion etc. We generally know the night before what we're doing and where we are going but occasionally if another driver phones in sick or something then they might change my route when I come in in the morning and that does not bode well with me atall as you can imagine!!!

Perhaps if I tell them they might think twice about doing things like that or try and give me some advanced notice about any changes, but I'm worried that they might start taking the mickey and treating me differently and talking to me like an idiot. I'm worried it could backfire on me.

Any ideas or thoughts gratefully received...
Hi, I'm 46 year old Trucker and recently diagnosed with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism.
The only person I have told is my missus. I have not told anyone else (other than you guys on here).

Do you think I should tell my boss in work about my Aspergers? I do sometimes have issues with work, such as if there is a last minute change to my run after I've got it all planned out in my head or if there is a diversion etc. We generally know the night before what we're doing and where we are going but occasionally if another driver phones in sick or something then they might change my route when I come in in the morning and that does not bode well with me atall as you can imagine!!!

Perhaps if I tell them they might think twice about doing things like that or try and give me some advanced notice about any changes, but I'm worried that they might start taking the mickey and treating me differently and talking to me like an idiot. I'm worried it could backfire on me.

Any ideas or thoughts gratefully received...

I'm broadly in favour of disclosing, particularly to those for whom your Asperger's could cause notable issues, but in this instance I would suggest caution.

Firstly, it seems improbable to me that your employer will note your aversion to change, and give you more notice of changes to your run. They may not be able to, but more importantly, they likely won't see any reason to change their practices for you because they don't really understand what last minute changes actually do to you. Unless they are a very good employer, they also probably don't much care.

There is a far better understanding of ASDs in the UK than there is in the US, and better theoretical support your employers are required to provide by legislation and European directives, but realistically these can only help to a small degree.

I doubt it would backfire as you fear, but it could cause your employer to be wary of you and your possible needs, and to treat you less well rather than better.

As such I'd say keep it to yourself unless and until you think there is not just a desire to divulge, but a need for them to know.
How well do you get on with your boss?

Has he/she been known to take the mickey out of you or others?

If so, do you think that’s been out of line, e.g. not about silly things but about stuff you didn’t think was right to take the mickey out of?

It’s probably a difficult call, but it could work out well if he/she is supportive towards the issues.
I'm not sure if telling your boss would help in any significant way. The first thought in my head is that ASD can be heavily misunderstood by others and it may appear that you are confessing some "inability" to do the work that is thrown at you at the last minute. You put a lot of effort into planning and anticipating everything you need to do your job well. Changes destroy that plan and cause aggravation. In an effort to accommodate you, your boss may think "he can't handle it", which is not the case here. If you can talk to him about your preference to keep order, structure, and thoughtful planning in your work, he might understand. You are identifying what you need to do your best.
I would say no, not a good idea. I'm not sure how, as a trucker, your employer could make a reasonable accommodation ... it sounds like changes in the schedule, routes, or whatever is part of the job. I don't think the ADA would cover that.

So, yeah. If I were in your shoes I wouldn't inform my boss.
If you tell a NT that you are on the spectrum, it is almost a sure thing that they will not understand. For me, it is need to know only.
I would only ever tell a person about my diagnosis if they really need to know - such as a doctor who is treating me. Otherwise, when necesary, I tell people that I have difficulty with one aspect, such as a sensory issue, but I don't mention Asperger's or autism because people are usually ignorant of this and I don't like to be prejudged.

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