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Sia (creator of the controversial “music” film) is confirmed to be on the autism spectrum


oh hamburgers!
V.I.P Member
Anyone remember that controversial movie that Sia made? Maddie Ziegler was really uncomfortable with playing the lead yet she was still pressured by Sia to take on the role. Apparently sia has come forward saying that she is on the autism spectrum. What do you think? Keep discussion civil. To me this is an Elon Musk scenario, where the person is deemed as controversial.

It took her two years to apologize. It’s too late for her to apologize now in my opinion.

I don't know what to think about the wave of celebs coming out as autistic. Certainly there are famous people who are autistic. Some were diagnosed at early ages (Anthony Hopkins comes to mind) but there was no big media splash over it.
Things like this, and Elon Musk, to my cynical mind, seem like a "spin" to put on poor behavior. Is it true? I don't care. Maybe, but just as maybe not. Bad behavior is bad behavior. "Well I'm autistic, sorry for doing such horrible things" is not a good excuse.
I have never wanted to touch the movie for how controversial it was, so I have no idea if the movie really is that good or bad, but I'm leaning towards that the movie is awful based on other autistic peoples' analyses. I also remember Sia basically gaslighting the autism community for the backlash of her portrayal of autism, so I'm not really a fan of her in general even if she does have the diagnosis.

I don't think she's nearly as harmful as Elon though. I might not have respect for her, but she seems selfless compared to that bratty billionaire.
My personal sense is that both Elon and Sia appear "controversial" because of how some people and the media love to twist the narrative, to falsely interpret what is said and done. Most of the good things that they do never make the newsfeeds because, well, the media is all about negativity, not positivity. The majority of the time, these stories are just that, stories, twisted narratives, to get views and clicks. The sad part is, some people actually believe the lies. Anyone who is famous is used to this, but with someone with an ASD, being in the spotlight can significantly amplify all the things, we, as autistics, tend to dislike about people, in general. Sia is quite talented, had her time in the spotlight, but for the most part, appears to value her privacy like we do. She's got her stage persona, her mask. Elon just buries himself in his work, and likes to use his Twitter feed, much to some people's disliking and misinterpretation of his sense of humor. It is interesting that the people closest to Elon, the people who really know him, love and respect what he is doing, and can see a higher purpose in it all,...even the list of ex-wives and girlfriends, the mothers of his children,...consistently,...when asked, see him as a "singularity", a gift to the world. They had a sense that they had to "give him up" for a higher purpose. They maintain their relationship and have nothing bad to say about him. Most divorced couples hate each other, not so with Elon and the women in his life. So, I might put more stock in that than all the people who don't know him at all, that simply want to pick away at every little word he says or thing he does that seemingly, doesn't meet their values. Keep in mind, Elon has his vision 5, 10, 20 years into the future with a plan and goals, whereas, most of us might not know what we are doing tomorrow. So, it is understood that many in the judgmental mainstream and social media spheres have no idea how to interpret what he is doing, and why, and then assume the worst and create negative rumors in an attempt to destroy his reputation. People are actually pissed off at him for things that aren't even true, for Pete's sake.

As autistics, we know darn well what it's like to be marginalized, picked on, misinterpreted, left out, falsely judged, lied about, reputation destruction, etc. This forum is packed full of such threads and posts. Just because some of us are famous, talented, intelligent, and financially successful, doesn't give any of us the right to sit back behind computer screens and do the same crap to them that we hate having done to us. ;)
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The only thing that stood out to me about the movie controversy was the portrayal of a incorrect/dangerous restraint. I have never heard of the one depicted (ie prone face down) or it being taught to special ed teachers. There are different systems but I am guessing it is not in any and is an illegal and prosecutable action. But Sia already had admitted and apologized for failing to get her facts straight and doing sufficient research.
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The only thing that stood out to me about the movie controversy was the portrayal of a incorrect/dangerous restraint.
That type of restraint can cause injury, or death in worst case scenarios. Some police officers have been known to sit on autistic individuals as a way of restraining them. I don’t believe in the ACAB/1312 movement as it would be a bad idea to abolish all police force in my opinion.
That type of restraint can cause injury, or death in worst case scenarios. Some police officers have been known to sit on autistic individuals as a way of restraining them. I don’t believe in the ACAB/1312 movement as it would be a bad idea to abolish all police force in my opinion.
What was once recognized as the standard procedure is becoming recognized as a very bad procedure.

If you aren't being cooperative in a takedown, that is still a technique in everyday use by police today. And sometimes people die from it, but not as frequently as they died from carotid compression holds.

I didn't see the movie, so I do not know how it was presented. Autistic people are still sometimes denied bodily autonomy as part of their "care." Maybe at some time in the past, Sia was sat upon to be restrained, or maybe she saw it happen to someone else. Or maybe she just put it in to make a point.
I also agree that her apology is too little too late, and yeah, some celebrities use autism (and other diagnoses) as an excuse to be like "Whoops, I'm a bad person, but I'm going to disclose my diagnosis as a way to avoid accountability."

Elon Musk is indeed another one who comes to mind, and so is Kanye West (not autistic as far as I know, but has used various mental health diagnoses as an excuse to be a horrible person, and essentially get away with it without as much backlash as he deserves.)
I sort of find it hard to believe that SIA is suddenly on the spectrum now. I feel like it is some ploy to get people to stop criticizing Music because then they would be criticizing an “autistic” person’s work and be afraid of being labeled as a “bully” because they don’t agree with what she had made. Ever notice if people make jokes or comments about others for how they are acting or what they’ve said and then learn that the person is handicapped in anyway that they suddenly become uncomfortable and will never say those things again even if what they were saying was true? Something just feels off with this so called diagnosis and the senses that I have to be able to tell when something is wrong or suspicious is blaring right now inside my head.

The YouTube channel Musical He’ll did a review of Music and Diva (the host) likes to give movies she talks about sins which are things that are wrong with the movie and she rarely gets to ten sins in one video and never went over that limit until Music. The movie was so bad that it broke both Diva (and making her furious in the process) and the system. Even Cats 2019 ended up looking good in the sins counter and didn’t make the host go into a rage by the end of the review.
I sort of find it hard to believe that SIA is suddenly on the spectrum now. I feel like it is some ploy to get people to stop criticizing Music because then they would be criticizing an “autistic” person’s work and be afraid of being labeled as a “bully” because they don’t agree with what she had made. Ever notice if people make jokes or comments about others for how they are acting or what they’ve said and then learn that the person is handicapped in anyway that they suddenly become uncomfortable and will never say those things again even if what they were saying was true? Something just feels off with this so called diagnosis and the senses that I have to be able to tell when something is wrong or suspicious is blaring right now inside my head.

The YouTube channel Musical He’ll did a review of Music and Diva (the host) likes to give movies she talks about sins which are things that are wrong with the movie and she rarely gets to ten sins in one video and never went over that limit until Music. The movie was so bad that it broke both Diva (and making her furious in the process) and the system. Even Cats 2019 ended up looking good in the sins counter and didn’t make the host go into a rage by the end of the review.
OR,...you don't have to look much at Sia's career appearances, videos, and interviews and I could believe it. People thought she was "quirky" or "eccentric" or "weird", but if you put into the context of an autistic mind,...could be. Keep in mind, I wasn't officially diagnosed until 52, many of our forum members until later. I don't know Sia, so I am not going to judge. At this point, until I hear something different, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt.
OR,...you don't have to look much at Sia's career appearances, videos, and interviews and I could believe it. People thought she was "quirky" or "eccentric" or "weird", but if you put into the context of an autistic mind,...could be. Keep in mind, I wasn't officially diagnosed until 52, many of our forum members until later. I don't know Sia, so I am not going to judge. At this point, until I hear something different, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I don't understand why we don't automatically give the benefit of the doubt to everyone they encounter. It is what autistic people are asking of NTs, isn't it?
Honestly, as long as Sia isn't using her autism as a way to silence people who dislike the film Music, I really couldn't care less about her being on the spectrum and I wouldn't invalidate her.

And if she were using being autistic as a shield against criticism, well I still wouldn't invalidate her being autistic, but I'd still make it pretty damn clear how I feel about people bringing up how they're autistic as a deflection when they get criticized for what they've done.
And if she were using being autistic as a shield against criticism, well I still wouldn't invalidate her being autistic, but I'd still make it pretty damn clear how I feel about people bringing up how they're autistic as a deflection when they get criticized for what they've done.
This is what makes me unsure if her claims of being on the spectrum is even true when you think about Music and a lot of the things it had done and the way some of the sequences were filmed. Several of the musical numbers are visual nightmares for autistics that I’ve seen comments on a YouTube review of the movie as them being “sensory overload nightmares for autistics,” Khu is literal human trash who think the only family she has left is disposable and keeping her from living on some random Costa Rican beach, Autism Speaks has even denounced the movie from being a “positive representation of autism” and you know things are really bad if that group won’t support something that portrays autism as some sort of burden on a caretaker, and don’t even get me started with the “crushing her with love” thing. Sia produced the entire thing and I believe if she truly had autism, she’d have a negative reaction to all of the gaudy colors in the musical numbers and sudden volume changes in them and not have the choreography look so seizure inducing and would never have let the controversial crushing scene be filmed.

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