I had someone ask within five min of meeting me , people often just want free crap it's in human nature...
(or instance if you drive some unusual expensive car, or are wearing some super pricey whatsit... that sort of thing, that'll clue people into it.. For me, I use a totally normal car handed down from my grandfather, and stuff I might be carrying with me tends to look like it's falling apart (old habit of mine, I wont upgrade/replace stuff until what I already have completely breaks), so that doesnt show and keeps people from getting weird or pushy about it.
Also some behaviors can tip people off. I've had a couple figure it out simply because I tend to show zero interest in money. Someone else randomly finds $100, they'll be ecstatic. If I find it, I'll barely react at all and will forget about it by bedtime. That aint normal behavior, and it's an instant red flag for anyone who is with me at the time.)
This has never been the case , one I'd might have tipped off..
Normally there just e-beggars to begin with , oh..
or they just ghost me over random inane things I say which some moron will try to encourage as being and I'll quote with my own sentiment on this "as stable competent and rational choice" with their own mentality and reasoning being called into question with rationalization of that judgement.. I once told someone I didnt have a good day and got blocked five seconds later