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side effects from ipad use?


Active Member
I got an ipad a while ago and have noticed if I use it for more than 20 minutes I get a headache and am pretty nauseaus. (FYI - I don't experience this with any other devices and I am in a well lit room)In reading posts on the apple site, it seems like a rare phenomenon. I am wondering if it is an ASD/aspie thing. Does anyone else experience headaches, dizziness, nauseau, etc. after using an ipad or iphone?
I've been using an ipad for about 2 years now... and I use it a lot. I haven't had any issues from using it so far.

I do keep my brightness to a minimum, but that's because of some light sensitivity issues (and those existed before I had an ipad)
Same here. Daily use for a few years, and no problems. I do have the brightness turned very low because I don't like strong light though.
I'm the same way, the light is very low due to light sensitivity but no issues with the iPad or iPhone, and I've used them for years as well.
I got an ipad a while ago and have noticed if I use it for more than 20 minutes I get a headache and am pretty nauseated. (FYI - I don't experience this with any other devices and I am in a well lit room)In reading posts on the apple site, it seems like a rare phenomenon. I am wondering if it is an ASD/aspie thing. Does anyone else experience headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc. after using an ipad or iphone?
I doubt the nausea and headache are related to ASD. These symptoms might be caused by some underlying issue, though. It could be something as simple as eyestrain. You may want to consult a physician to be sure.
I have an ipad, and use it all the time; no side effects. There could be other factors at play though.

You'd want to look at things like:
  • What do you use your ipad for? Some poorly made games, with low graphics, can cause motion sickness in some people; I get this.
  • Do you sit properly when you use it for extended periods? Spine straight, not slouched, etc (basic OHS).
  • Is there enough light in the room, as to not strain your eyes?
  • Any other factors which seem to contribute to the feelings?
If none of these apply, perhaps it would be best to see your doctor
My partner (suspected aspie) has problems working with computers in general. His eyesight is fine so it isn't that. His eyes hurt, they feel heavy and sore and when he comes away from the computer he has trouble focussing properly. He gets headaches and mood disturbances if he has to work on them for a long period of time. He gets frustrated and tense. He thinks the issue might be the complete immersion into the activity. Myself, I dno't have these issues, although I do have the brightness turned right down to avoid the intensity of the light.
I got an ipad a while ago and have noticed if I use it for more than 20 minutes I get a headache and am pretty nauseaus. (FYI - I don't experience this with any other devices and I am in a well lit room)In reading posts on the apple site, it seems like a rare phenomenon. I am wondering if it is an ASD/aspie thing. Does anyone else experience headaches, dizziness, nauseau, etc. after using an ipad or iphone?

I haven't really had that many problems with the iPad, but it depends on what I'm running. I have had problems with computers. I gets lots of headaches, so it is sometimes hard to tell what is from computer or iPad use.

One thing that has really helped for me is having a special "computer" prescription for my glasses. It it very hard to get eye doctors to give this to me because it isn't "necessary" for me to focus on a screen up close. However, without the relaxed prescription, I'll get headaches fairly quickly.

I'm not sure what your eyesight is like, but if you don't have glasses, maybe try a +1 or +1.5 prescription reading glasses while using the iPad and see if that helps.

When I was younger (junior high actually), I could use the computer without glasses. But, my eyes started diverging, and now there isn't a comfortable distance that I can focus with both eyes. Sometimes, I will lay on my back and look at the ipad without glasses, just trying to find that sweet spot, but it gets harder as I get older.
idunno, but could it be migraine? I know they too have problems with bright lights. Just a guess as I don't have any problems at all.

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