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Signs of autism?


Active Member
Hi , i'm the father of a 1 year and 2 months baby bay

I came here because i have same questions about his behavior

I read all kind of stuff over the internet, and i am really scared for my son

Thinks that are wrong :

1) Does not respond to his name,except if there is absolutely no sound or activity around him, like when we put him to sleep, i leave him with his mother and come back after 1 minute, i say Daviddd, and he jumps right over his mother and looks at me . but in the day, he ignores us

2) Until he had 1 year, and 1 month, he waved at people leaving the house, he clapped his hand when we asked him, but for 3 weeks, he just doesn't want to do that anymore

3) He used to bring me all the toys i asked him, but now is not interested that much . but still would bring me the balloon if i ask him
4) He started to dislike to enter supermarkets, he is more irritated and cries more ofter.

5) He likes to open and close doors, of drawers , but doesn't stay too much, like 1 minute or so, puts a car on the ground just to see how its wheels are moving.

6) He doesn't point if i ask him , and by himself, but would stretch his whole hand for something he want.

7) He doesn't speak, just some TA-TA-TA-TA-CHA-CHA, and that is very rarely

8) He started let go to things from his hand , while his hand behind him

9) He started to hate supermarkets, and places with lots of people

Good things i see at him

1) He stretches his hands and want to be raised in our hands

2) Brings me a book so i can show him the horse, or rooster , or chicken and he enjoy the time while i show him that

3) He knows how to put geometrical toys inside wholes , doesn't do anything else with them

4) When i play pick-a-boo with him, he is very happy and runs behind couch to hide

5) When i pretend i cry , i put my hands on my face, he comes to me and takes my hands off to see what i am doing

6) When we ask him to come take his syrup , he runs to us and waits to give him , or when i say, Hey come to get some "titi"(word for breast milk in our house:) ), he runs to his mother .

7) If i point him something, he watch what i show him

8) If i ask him to go and drink some water, he searches his bottle and go that to drink water

9) Walks alone with no help, he even runs in the house

10) Doesn't play long periods with toys... gets boored very ofter

11) When we sing to him, he is very happy and enjoys the time, looks at us and maintain eye contact

12) Looks for strange people and and ask for attention

13) He know whos is aunt ,and grandma

14) When i came home from work, he is very excited and comes to me and jumps in my arms

Our pediatrician told me he is way too small, and i should stop searching the internet because it will affect me way too much.

Hi , i'm the father of a 1 year and 2 months baby bay

I came here because i have same questions about his behavior

I read all kind of stuff over the internet, and i am really scared for my son

Thinks that are wrong :

1) Does not respond to his name,except if there is absolutely no sound or activity around him, like when we put him to sleep, i leave him with his mother and come back after 1 minute, i say Daviddd, and he jumps right over his mother and looks at me . but in the day, he ignores us

2) Until he had 1 year, and 1 month, he waved at people leaving the house, he clapped his hand when we asked him, but for 3 weeks, he just doesn't want to do that anymore

3) He used to bring me all the toys i asked him, but now is not interested that much . but still would bring me the balloon if i ask him
4) He started to dislike to enter supermarkets, he is more irritated and cries more ofter.

5) He likes to open and close doors, of drawers , but doesn't stay too much, like 1 minute or so, puts a car on the ground just to see how its wheels are moving.

6) He doesn't point if i ask him , and by himself, but would stretch his whole hand for something he want.

7) He doesn't speak, just some TA-TA-TA-TA-CHA-CHA, and that is very rarely

8) He started let go to things from his hand , while his hand behind him

9) He started to hate supermarkets, and places with lots of people

Good things i see at him

1) He stretches his hands and want to be raised in our hands

2) Brings me a book so i can show him the horse, or rooster , or chicken and he enjoy the time while i show him that

3) He knows how to put geometrical toys inside wholes , doesn't do anything else with them

4) When i play pick-a-boo with him, he is very happy and runs behind couch to hide

5) When i pretend i cry , i put my hands on my face, he comes to me and takes my hands off to see what i am doing

6) When we ask him to come take his syrup , he runs to us and waits to give him , or when i say, Hey come to get some "titi"(word for breast milk in our house:) ), he runs to his mother .

7) If i point him something, he watch what i show him

8) If i ask him to go and drink some water, he searches his bottle and go that to drink water

9) Walks alone with no help, he even runs in the house

10) Doesn't play long periods with toys... gets boored very ofter

11) When we sing to him, he is very happy and enjoys the time, looks at us and maintain eye contact

12) Looks for strange people and and ask for attention

13) He know whos is aunt ,and grandma

14) When i came home from work, he is very excited and comes to me and jumps in my arms

Our pediatrician told me he is way too small, and i should stop searching the internet because it will affect me way too much.


It seems he could have autism. When he gets a little older, you can schedule an appointment for him to get diagnosed. You can look up how old the baby has to be to get an official diagnosis.
I remember there were charts of what babies typically should be doing at various stages. Have you looked at those? But there is also quite a bit of variation kid to kid. I tend to agree with the Doc that it is too early to jump to conclusions and you may be worrying yourself needlessly. If the pediatrician says the baby appears to be progressing within the norm I would go with that. You can however try and get a second opinion if that would put your mind at ease. There is no medication/treatment or cure for autism at this time, so there is not much you can do anyway except treat the baby as you would any baby.
Ditto to the above. There is no point in worrying at this stage and I would trust the doctor's opinion, but a second opinion to put your mind at rest may help as Tom said above. If your son is autistic then he was born with it, so worrying will change nothing. This forum is full of intelligent, thoughtful, caring people who are on the spectrum, some of whom lead successful and rewarding lives. The best thing you can do, autism or no, is just be a good, attentive father. If he turns out to be on the spectrum when he's old enough to be diagnosed then he'll need that support as much if not more.
Thank you for your kind response. I just arrived home and he is so happy and laughs so much with us. I will keep and eye on him. Maybe he just needs some time. time will tell
I believe that your child is most like autistic. Your little boy is now at the age where early symptoms start showing. So, yeah. I believe he is.

Try to find out how to get him diagnosed. It will most certainly help in the future.
The things you have on your list of concerns are fairly typical for babies. Babies are all different, their likes and dislikes changes day to day and he's learning things - like what happens when I drop this toy behind my back. Good things are that he makes eye contact and shows an interest in you and mom and that he find ways to communicate his needs and understands simple things. I have 4 kids and 10 grandchildren and every single one of them was unique and learned at different speeds.
If your baby did not like contact and did not respond when you call his name or didn't make eye contact I might start to be a little concerned. But remember, they are learning everything. Sometimes it may get overwhelming. And I had one son that hated a particular restaurant and screamed the entire time we'd be in there and I had to quit going in there. But he is 32 now and there never been a question of autism with him.
If you are concerned about the hearing thing - they can check hearing at that age.
Don't worry - your baby seems fine and normal.
I agree with @Pats But if you are really worried later on, you have to go to an Autism Specialist. There is no other way to tell. If there is a time when it gets more clear, his Ped will refer him. I hope he stays happy no matter what :-)
Your baby seems fine to me. He is too young to determine if he is on the spectrum. Autistic children often start showing signs about age 24 months when they start retreating from the world, become self-absorbed, lose language that they previously spoke, and stop making eye contact. But those are just generalizations and every child is unique. He sounds like a typical 14 month old child, maybe even a little more advanced in some areas than other toddlers that age. Some children don't even walk until they about 2 years old.
I have two young kids (one now almost 5 and likely HFA). It sounds to me like you are worrying over your child's behaviors in a way that is sending your mind in circles (something I am prone to as well). I would recommend that you take a very objective approach. A few ideas are:
  1. Look at the developmental milestones for a baby turning 1 year old, for example from "Caring for Your Baby and Young Child" (by American Academy of Pediatrics) It is very inexpensive and a great resource that I have referenced many times for various things. If your child is behind on just one or two things, that is probably normal. But if he is behind on a number of things or many things in a particular category, then you should probably seek a doctor's advise.... see #2 below.
  2. Go see his doctor. We go to our kid's doctor for almost anything, it's way overkill but given my wife and I's personalities it is the best way to have peace of mind and ensure we're making good decisions. They should have a parental questionnaire available for 1 year olds that is actually an early screening tool for autism. I remember filling one out when our oldest son (now suspected HFA) was 1 year. It actually *did* flag our son as a concern for autism, but at the time my wife and I thought that was crazy, and our doctor agreed. Never thought much of it again until age 3 or 4 when some problems started becoming apparent. I'm not sure what intervention is possible for a 1 year old anyway, but if there are clear concern areas, there may be things the doctor can recommend or refer you to a specialist.
  3. Look online for a more objective screening tool. It might be helpful to fill it out with your partner or another caregiver to be as objective as possible. e.g. Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised (M-CHAT-R™) | Autism Speaks
I think that Google searching about medical concerns is constructive for an hour or two as a sanity check. But when it becomes an obsession and many many hours are spent digging deeper and deeper, it is time to seek a professional opinion.
I had similar concerns for my son when he was one.
His auntie works with children on the spectrum and mentioned that his behaviour was showing signs.
He never crawled or rolled over yet he started walking at 9 months. He also started saying simple words but then stopped.
At about 4 months we had his hearing checked because he didn't seem to respond when we called him. His hearing is fine yet he still doesn't always respond to his name.
From a early age he always liked to open drawers and has never caught his fingers while closing them and if we leave a door or drawer open, he insists on closing it.
He has never liked supermarkets and hates noises so much that we can't use the vacuum or food blender in his presents.
He won't eat lumpy food and doesn't eat or sleep very well.
I could go on with the similarities to your list.
2weeks ago he had his 30 month development check and he was referred for diagnosis.
hi sparks !
Well my boy doesn't hate any noise at all... we can use vaccum right near him and food blender with him in his food chair, doesn't bother him.
He did crawled but not for long, because at 8 months he was on his feet
Does eat lumpy food, like whole banana, or biscuits... he loves biscuits, never had problem with his food... he eats everything .
We always put him to bed at around 10 pm, and would sleep until 10am... 12 hours, uninterrupted sleep.

Since yesterday he started to run in the house :) and today when i called him, he turned his head... i don't know if its our fault, but until 1 year... i can swear we didn't called him on his name, we were always on google and at hospitals to find answers about his medical problems. ( he had surgery at 1 day of life because of an imperforated anus and some problems with his spine) . we didn't really had time to enjoy him and play with him. At 1 year we started to call him and noticed he didn't turned . Now he is 1 year and 2 months and we started to pay attention at ASD signs.
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If you are concerned about the hearing thing - they can check hearing at that age.

Can they test for central auditory processing disorder that young?

If he can hear fine in quiet environments but acts deaf in loud environments, wouldn't that suggest that he has trouble sorting all the sounds (or trouble coping with all the sensory input in those loud environments) rather than actually being unable to hear them?
Can they test for central auditory processing disorder that young?

If he can hear fine in quiet environments but acts deaf in loud environments, wouldn't that suggest that he has trouble sorting all the sounds (or trouble coping with all the sensory input in those loud environments) rather than actually being unable to hear them?
Yes, they can test the hearing. Newborn screening information for hearing loss | Baby's First Test | Newborn Screening | Baby Health

A person with excellent hearing can have Central Auditory Processing Disorder, though.

Testing for Central Auditory Procesing Disorder involves more than just testing whether or not the peson has hearing loss; It tests things like the ability to separate out sounds, locate the direction a sound is coming from, and if your brain keeps words/sounds in the right sequence when you hear them or if they get scrambled.
A person with excellent hearing can have Central Auditory Processing Disorder, though.

Testing for Central Auditory Procesing Disorder involves more than just testing whether or not the peson has hearing loss; It tests things like the ability to separate out sounds, locate the direction a sound is coming from, and if your brain keeps words/sounds in the right sequence when you hear them or if they get scrambled.
You're right - they can't test that until they're around 5 yr.
I was concerned about my older son having ASD when he was about 9-18 months. He didn't make eye contact all the often, would line up cars end to end, balance his bottle on the side of the gate, turn the TV off when he couldn't take the noise anymore, and the ones that worried me: Hated being picked up or touched most of the time (not all, thankfully), and would get overwhelmed and start crying strongly. When he was overwhelmed, only I could hold him, and my hands had to be in specific places or he would get worse. I talked to the pediatrician about my concerns and he said it can be common with gifted children/children of high intelligence. They just process a lot at one time and get overwhelmed. However, at 18 months, when his brother was born, it's like he "toughed up," so to speak, and the behaviors stopped. He became much more tolerant and his entire world revolved around his brother. By 2 years old he was a standard NT kid. He wound up talking a lot, too. It was evident that he had racing thoughts, which probably contributed to his being overwhelmed.

There's a lot going on with your baby at 15 months. The world is expanding for them, and there's a lot of learning and processing going on. The things you're noticing that are "wrong" can be attributed to quite a few things as well, not just ASD. Some kids are also a little behind one way and ahead in others.
hi sparks !
Well my boy doesn't hate any noise at all... we can use vaccum right near him and food blender with him in his food chair, doesn't bother him.
He did crawled but not for long, because at 8 months he was on his feet
Does eat lumpy food, like whole banana, or biscuits... he loves biscuits, never had problem with his food... he eats everything .
We always put him to bed at around 10 pm, and would sleep until 10am... 12 hours, uninterrupted sleep.

Since yesterday he started to run in the house :) and today when i called him, he turned his head... i don't know if its our fault, but until 1 year... i can swear we didn't called him on his name, we were always on google and at hospitals to find answers about his medical problems. ( he had surgery at 1 day of life because of an imperforated anus and some problems with his spine) . we didn't really had time to enjoy him and play with him. At 1 year we started to call him and noticed he didn't turned . Now he is 1 year and 2 months and we started to pay attention at ASD signs.
Sorry to hear about the little ones problems, I hope that all is well with him now.
My son used to be ok with noises up until he was around 18 months, we even bought him a toy vacuum cleaner so that he could copy us. Then all of a sudden he couldn't cope with the sound, we even had to hide is toy vacuum.
My son appears to have very good hearing, he can sing in tune even while a different song is playing but at times he just seems to switch off like he cannot hear you while calling him and is then startled when his hearing switches on again.
He will eat biscuits and fruits but won't eat cooked dinners unless we chop the food really small or blend it.
I'm not trying to say that your son is on the spectrum, I'm just mentioning some of the changes that happened to my son as he got older.
I've got a grown up son and daughter that both seem to have aspergers traits but I didn't realise it when they where growing up and they are both struggling to fit in with "normal" life.

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