I have been playing it for a few hours now, and the people who said this has the same engine as RE7, etc, were indeed correct. It was developed by HexaDrive.
Man, the chase scenes with that cherry blossom, stalker monster are so annoying. If it catches you, it causes you to die and the game loops, just like
P.T. did.
You have to run around narrow passageways to avoid it, but you hardly get any time to think about what you should be doing. So this gets frustrating fast.
Anyway, I still think Capcom is worse than Konami, in spite of their success. The remakes they made have a lot of cut content, and Capcom has also ripped off a lot of games.
In fact, I sold all of those lame ass remakes, since they aren't canonical anyway. Only the 2002 remake is canon.
But how was Capcom imitating Konami's games, exactly?
For starters, RE8 has DLC where you play as this teenager named Rosemary Winters. She ends up in the same places Ethan Winters (her father) explored in the main storyline. Then she runs into mannequins. You just feel lots of vibes of somebody ending up in Silent Hill, with a similar plot about how she's connected to another girl.
Uh-huh... I think that sounds familiar for a reason.
Well, Capcom were copying the nurses. You know? They are the ones with tumours for faces that attack you, and the light attracts them, or something. The mannequins are the same way. But that's kind of lame of Capcom to do that, but it is not surprising to me any more, considering they have also copied other games as I said.
Play both the entirety of the games
The Last of Us and
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - back to back. Then you'll soon notice what I'm getting at here.