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Site is extremely slow


self-advocating autistic
I'm not sure if it's the amount of queries that are being pulled, the number of people using the site at once, or just a random slow point in the server--or even a combination of these.

At first I thought the problem lied within my browser, but no other site is this bad, and the same problems occur in other browsers. I also know that drafts are automatically saved, and maybe that is causing such a delay, but replying/posting/etc. lately has been a major pain. So much is delayed, and my cache and cookies have been cleared, and I even tried it on my phone and another computer. It's just really, really slow for me, and I'm not sure what else to do. If you want my IP, let me know who to PM it to, and I'll send you that, plus a supportbuddi.com code.

(I have even restarted my laptop, the router, etc...)
Is it still causing you issues? It could have been a simple network issue between your area and our servers. Everything seems fine for me from my end now.
It still is at times, but I notice that it's mostly slow/harder to access/etc. when there are a lot of people on at once. I can reset our router later, seeing as it's in another room, but that might be the issue. c: Haven't tried that yet.

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