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Skim Words...?


Neur-D Missionary ☝️
V.I.P Member
I have noticed that some of the text in my threads has been converted into ad links. Words like eBay and action figure . They are called SkimWords or Skimlinks.

Is that intentional, or has the forum been hacked?
It is a new advertiser. VIP members should not see them. If you are let me know.

Yes, I do.
My name still shows blue on my avatar,
but I have been wondering when my
"anniversary date" was, so I could
I see it for 'ebay' in the original post, but not for any other words.

edit - where I have written the word ebay, in this post, it doesn't appear as a link.

Second edit - where I have written ebay without using single quote marks, it appears as a link, but where I have used single quote marks, it doesn't.

Third edit - now none of the variations of ebay in my post appear as links, thanks Brent
Last edited:
Yes, I do.
My name still shows blue on my avatar,
but I have been wondering when my
"anniversary date" was, so I could

If you hover your cursor over 'tree', located at the top right of any page on AC, to bring up the drop down menu that includes options such as "Your profile page", "Personal Details", "Signature", "Contact details" etc and select the option "Account Upgrades", on the page that it brings up, scroll to the bottom, and you should find the information about when your current "Account Upgrade" to a VIP member, expires.
I have made a change. VIP members should be good now. Let me know if it is still happening.

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