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So Sad


Well-Known Member
My cat was hit by a car last night. Heartbroken. Place feels empty. How to get through the death of a pet?
My cat was hit by a car last night. Heartbroken. Place feels empty. How to get through the death of a pet?
You have my condolences that's never a fun situation to have to deal with. I'm in my 40's and I've had cats all my life. Personally I find that the best way to get over the death of a cat is view it as an opportunity to bring home a new cat/kitten from an animal shelter. Two weeks ago I had to put my Kimosabe down. She was 16 and getting into some advanced dementia and no longer had full mobility and was starting to also loose bladder control. Vet said the only real options was to either put her down, or send her to an animal hospital 4 hours away for tests that would very likely just confirm it was best to put her down. I didn't want Kimo's last days/hours in some strange place in a cage not knowing why she was there or where her humans were. So we had her put to sleep with her humans there for her last moments. And then we went straight from the vets to the local animal rescue and now I have a new kitten. I miss Kimosabe dearly. She was my furry little best friend for 16 years but she's no longer suffering and another cat has been rescued and given a permanent home.
@RemyZee Please accept my deepest sympathies.

I lost a dog several years ago. It was tough. I still miss him. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. It will take time, but you can find a way to move forward.
Sorry to hear. I know how special our pets can be to us. Always difficult in letting them go.

Lil Friend RIP.jpg


The only one missing is my hamster....RIP 1964.
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I am so sorry to hear that. The loss of a pet is always hard. ❤️‍🩹
I am so sorry. I think it's particularly hard because pets are a constant in our lives and a part of our "routine." Most people aren't.
This is awful news and I feel so sad for you and what you are going through now.

How to get through it?

Time may ease the pain a bit. Take good care of yourself and let yourself be sad and grieve because this is a very very sad thing.

Sometimes, people like talking about or sharing pictures of animals that have passed. Maybe, when you are ready, you could tell us more about your cat.
So sorry to read about your cat. I try to remind myself that we provided all the love and care we possibly could for our furbabbies. I lost animals due to divorce, and tried to get them back but never succeeded. Allow yourself to grieve, and stay strong.
It is painful to loose a loved pet, the grief process was different each time one died or left my life. I am sorry to read that you are facing this experience.

The feelings and experiences the processes had in common were: sadness, anger, pain, heartbreak, forgetting momentarily followed by a wave of pain, seeking them even though I knew it was impossible, experiencing the hole in my life and wondering would it ever ease.

Writing that sentence even now brings tears to my eyes.
Even now I allow that to happen, feel that pain, know that although intense it is a normal part of the human experience and know that it is distinct from depression and does pass with time and self compassion.

What has happened for me and everyone else, is very individual, there truly isnt a right or a wrong way to process grief.

Its a new way of life and in time I adjusted to their absence, in recent times I found the idea of growing around grief the most helpful for me.
The emphasis is not so much on the grief, its place in my life was all encompassing anyway, its on how I live with the loss, how I find purpose and increasing moments of joy.

Growing around grief
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, maybe make a little funeral service, not necessarily physical but for the memory of the cat. Perhaps an eulogy included, picture in a frame, other meaningful things.

After the feeling eases a bit putting stuff in your lockers in order and around the house, throwing out some things you've not been using in a long time that you don't need, sorting out clothes, has shown to help the mind in processing grief.
Feeling for you! It's painful to loose our furry fam member's, often as much, sometimes more, than losing our two legged fam members😔😪!
My heart goes out to you. Hope you're happy to recieve a heartfelt virtual hug🤗!

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