So, I've been considering replacing my 2012 13" i7 MBP's stock 750GB hard drive with a 1TB SSHD. My question is...
Do any of you have any experience with SSHD's? I have no interest in a pure-bred SSD, as I need much more storage capacity and I also move and edit large files on a regular basis. I asked this question on Facebook and the only response I got from someone who actually uses an SSHD absolutely loves it. I thought I'd pose it to a community of Aspies who would have a fair amount of knowledge on the subject.
Do any of you have any experience with SSHD's? I have no interest in a pure-bred SSD, as I need much more storage capacity and I also move and edit large files on a regular basis. I asked this question on Facebook and the only response I got from someone who actually uses an SSHD absolutely loves it. I thought I'd pose it to a community of Aspies who would have a fair amount of knowledge on the subject.