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Some changes that have happened in the last few months (Plus a reintroduction)


Active Member
Hello, all. I lost access to my account for a while (I wasn't a super big member but I was active still) but after several months I've finally got it back.

My last activity was in October 2023, and quite a few events have happened since. So let's discuss them.

I had a boyfriend for a few weeks in November. Our relationship ended very quickly because of reasons I can't really go into. Long story short, he was very possessive because of past relationships, and frequently accused me of cheating on him. He also went through my phone to see if I was speaking to anyone else. The first time I allowed him to do it because I was dumb and didn't consider it a red flag, the second time he went through it himself while I was in the shower. He also made me do a lot of things I wasn't comfortable with. The last straw was when he texted me saying "I know you're cheating on me. Just know I can do the same thing to you". I finally did something I almost never do, that being standing up for myself. I told him not to contact me or my family ever again. My last message to him before I blocked him was "have you lost your mind speaking to me that way?". I said more, but we'd be here all day if I typed the whole message. After that, I tried to get back into contact with two friends from high school who I had broken off contact with. The first was an ex girlfriend of mine. We ended on very bad terms, mainly because I was still young and not a good person. I told her I was sorry for everything that happened, and she actually accepted my apology. The second friend however.......that's a different story. Me and her also ended our friendship on not great terms. I found out she was still hanging out with a group of people who I went to high school with who hated me. That's a whole other story, but essentially I realized they weren't my real friends. They called me the r slur and generally just treated me terribly despite claiming they were my friends. I was just scared to open my eyes and realize they were bad people. I said a bunch of things to them, and the "leader" of this group actually wanted to beat me up. I know this because one of my other ex friends from high school told me that he had a discussion with said "leader". This dude was telling me "Bryce, we're sorry. We still want to be your friends". Meanwhile he was telling everyone else he was gonna kick my ass. I told this second girl about all of that, and she said "That's terrible. They shouldn't have treated you that way", only to then start being friendly with them behind my back. We started talking again, because I wanted to forgive her, and she actually offered to meet up in person at the mall. For whatever reason, she then started avoiding me. I asked her if she was doing ok, and she didn't respond for over a week, and she responded with "I'm sorry, I was out of town". I know that isn't true, because she sent me her new Instagram page in case I wanted to follow her, which I did, and she added a picture to her story in that week she said she was out of town. That picture was of her in her bedroom. She just........randomly decided to not be involved with me anymore. I'm still confused on why she did this. Anyways, despite all that, I've actually been starting to feel much better. I had a change in medication, and this year has been the first year since 2017 where I've genuinely felt like a happy person. I've decided to not let my ex and this one girl make me feel bad. There are still some times I feel bad about what happened, but mostly I just ignore it.

I'm happy to be back here. Hopefully I don't lose my account again, but that'll likely not happen.
People that rally against you for childish reasons, are children themselves. Insecure children in maturing bodies. Not seeing themselves at fault for anything, because they believe to know better than anyone else.

So are just bullies that inflict pain, to dull thier own pain.

Unhappiness does many strange things to people who chose to outlet thier pain in the wrong ways.

Some are just cruel, miserable people. They dislike themself, so they inflict pain out of fear and hatred of everyone else.

No matter what. Humanity will alway have people like this. The human condition is a multifaceted and complex one. But the fact you can find happiness in a growing world of discontent, is something to latch on to.
My honest advice is to avoid this kind of drama. It brings nothing. This sort of thing:

I told this second girl about all of that, and she said "That's terrible. They shouldn't have treated you that way", only to then start being friendly with them behind my back. We started talking again, because I wanted to forgive her, and she actually offered to meet up in person at the mall. For whatever reason, she then started avoiding me. I asked her if she was doing ok, and she didn't respond for over a week, and she responded with "I'm sorry, I was out of town". I know that isn't true, because she sent me her new Instagram page in case I wanted to follow her, which I did, and she added a picture to her story in that week she said she was out of town. That picture was of her in her bedroom. She just........randomly decided to not be involved with me anymore

is a happiness vampire. It's not a puzzle to be solved. You can't figure out the secret to the mystery. It's just a quagmire. Don't go there. It's a waste of life energy for NTs, but for NDs doubly so, because we're terrible at that game, and you'll just end up frustrated as to why nothing turned out as it should have done, and everyone seems to be doing ok except you, despite you being the only person playing a straight bat.

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