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Some introduction I guess?


New Member
I don't know why I'm on here, clearly it's to connect with people but I'm really bad at connecting. I generally hate people nowadays but I still need to make friends because loneliness kills. Honestly I don't know what much to expect on these platforms but I'm sick of facebook, I'm sick of youtube, I'm sick of these platforms that just feed me an algorithm all day every day. I've become a very jealous and miserable person of many happy people in my life who seem to have got everything. Friends, connections, family. I'm gay which doesn't help but I can't change that. So why get to know me? I don't know. I'm a 26 year old programmer and I think nothing much of my own abilities but everyone thinks I'm super intelligent yet if you put me in a kitchen to make dinner I will do an awful job because I just sit on my computer all day every day. What a life hey? Not! I care too much about what others think of me and I hate that, so I need the practice on here.

Oh also I am a film photographer and I enjoy computers.

I'm missing part of who I was. Life can be so cruel. I need to have more fun and enjoy life but I lost that somehow along the way. I just know other autistic people understand the feeling so maybe this forum was the best to join? I could have joined any other forum but I felt this one hits closer to home.

I can't beg people to be my friends, I can't force anyone to be my friends, I honestly don't know if anyone else feels the same way. I'm not interested in relationships other than platonic (fyi!!!). Really I'm just not sure where this will go. Maybe I'll respond to messages, maybe I won't. I just can't open up to people much now so posting this feels like my last effort.

Anyway I don't bite unless you're food. lol
The algorithm seems to be a large part of what makes these things toxic. I'll only engage with forum like this that give you complete control over what you're seeing that's posted rather than being told by some profit-oriented AI mechanism.

Welcome to the forum, it's a great place to find others who you can connect with and if not have direct company, at least have people who can understand and go through similar problems. Good luck!
Hi and welcome to the forums, from an Adelaide old fart. (hetero)

Honestly I don't know what much to expect on these platforms but I'm sick of facebook, I'm sick of youtube, I'm sick of these platforms that just feed me an algorithm all day every day.
Those algorithms are very destructive. Media companies understand the vicious cycle people get trapped in where they get a bit depressed and then start seeking depressive content which increases their depression. Media companies milk this for all it's worth knowing that your addiction will keep them making more and more money. Even if you only ever search for happy content those algorithms will keep throwing click bait disturbing stories at you trying to get you in to that cycle of depression.

Maybe getting out more would get you away from that and give you a chance to regain your mental balance.

I attended the Adelaide Autistic Adults Meetup group a few times, it has grown into quite a large group. I didn't really fit in there but I recommend you look them up, you might enjoy it.
Adelaide Autistic Adults

I'm also currently on a course run by the Sylvia Roger Academy and I'm really enjoying it. At the end of the month they're flying us all to Brisbane for a 4 day face to face seminar, all expenses paid. That might also be interesting and helpful for you.

Autistic Identity and Connection

I've posted a bit about that in this forum if you'd like to check it out.
Hi and welcome to the forums, from an Adelaide old fart. (hetero)

Those algorithms are very destructive. Media companies understand the vicious cycle people get trapped in where they get a bit depressed and then start seeking depressive content which increases their depression. Media companies milk this for all it's worth knowing that your addiction will keep them making more and more money. Even if you only ever search for happy content those algorithms will keep throwing click bait disturbing stories at you trying to get you in to that cycle of depression.

Maybe getting out more would get you away from that and give you a chance to regain your mental balance.

I attended the Adelaide Autistic Adults Meetup group a few times, it has grown into quite a large group. I didn't really fit in there but I recommend you look them up, you might enjoy it.
Adelaide Autistic Adults

I'm also currently on a course run by the Sylvia Roger Academy and I'm really enjoying it. At the end of the month they're flying us all to Brisbane for a 4 day face to face seminar, all expenses paid. That might also be interesting and helpful for you.

Autistic Identity and Connection

I've posted a bit about that in this forum if you'd like to check it out.
I just joined the mailing list
Hello and welcome, rubykeys. I hope you can find some things to "talk" about here. There are lots of different interests.

I used to be a film photographer but got too depressed because people were getting better photos with their phones and the film and developing costs so much money. Unless you do it yourself?
Hello and welcome, rubykeys. I hope you can find some things to "talk" about here. There are lots of different interests.

I used to be a film photographer but got too depressed because people were getting better photos with their phones and the film and developing costs so much money. Unless you do it yourself?
My boyfriend develops the film himself and he was what got me into it, so I now have a film camera that I occasionally use by myself, and with him when we enjoy our time together sightseeing. He's also autistic so he explains the whole chemical process to me which is very interesting.
Hi and welcome to the forums, from an Adelaide old fart. (hetero)

Those algorithms are very destructive. Media companies understand the vicious cycle people get trapped in where they get a bit depressed and then start seeking depressive content which increases their depression. Media companies milk this for all it's worth knowing that your addiction will keep them making more and more money. Even if you only ever search for happy content those algorithms will keep throwing click bait disturbing stories at you trying to get you in to that cycle of depression.

Maybe getting out more would get you away from that and give you a chance to regain your mental balance.

I attended the Adelaide Autistic Adults Meetup group a few times, it has grown into quite a large group. I didn't really fit in there but I recommend you look them up, you might enjoy it.
Adelaide Autistic Adults

I'm also currently on a course run by the Sylvia Roger Academy and I'm really enjoying it. At the end of the month they're flying us all to Brisbane for a 4 day face to face seminar, all expenses paid. That might also be interesting and helpful for you.

Autistic Identity and Connection

I've posted a bit about that in this forum if you'd like to check it out.
Thanks for letting me know. This is really interesting. Also that's cool you're from Adelaide too.
I used to be a film photographer but got too depressed because people were getting better photos with their phones and the film and developing costs so much money. Unless you do it yourself?
I had friends who used to do their own film processing. There’s lots of room for artistry in the developing process, but much of that can now be replicated by digital manipulation of images. The goal now is to get as much good information as you can from your camera and then go at it (with, for example, Gimp if you want to do it for free.) Getting the good information? Well there’s still framing, exposure, composition, lighting, timing. I saw someone getting horrible images (with a phone) trying to get an indoor photo just the other day. I tried to tell him to zoom the shot in until the windows either side of the subject were cut, thus removing the flare, but he just ignored me and shot a useless image for the client.

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