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Special Circumstances...


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Out of curiosity is anyone here in a situation where they have procured employment and either by accident of by deliberate request gotten something changed around to suit your special needs?
Or do you just change things to suit within reason, taking into account established routine and others feelings.

I had a job whereby I didn't change a thing cause I was working with another guy and he had things his way, that then was my way too, until he left. When he went I immediately changed things to suit me and the boss was impressed with my productivity but, then later on he got his son to do some of the work as well and the son immediately started changing things without checking with me. When I bought it to the boss's attention with as much diplomacy as I could muster he told me to just get over it and then I mentioned it a few more times as it became more blatant and the next thing I knew, I was fired.
It doesn't bother me now as I just avoid that place like the plague and no longer acknowledge the existence of anyone working there but, it does recur sometimes that I wonder if that was the true reason.
I always try not to upset the applecart but fair's fair, if someone has established patterns and they are productive like that, leave them to it!

So the question here is, if you are able to change things to suit yourself will you do so and if so, is it really necessary or more so you feel that you are comfortable?
Nothing is necessary, it's all about comfort. With AS and NT alike it's about how you work best following whatever guidelines and such.

I work at subway and I have actually been at this subway longer then anyone accept the manager. Everyone I started out working with has left or been fired(and the aspergers guy is still around, me). So the new girls come in(no new hires are ever guys) and change stuff to how it best fits them. Like what meat goes where on the serving bar, what line up in the fridge the veggies go in ect.

Well being at subway for this long I know the fastest way around the store and I try to explain this to the new people, they are stuck in their own ways. So I just change things while they are not looking. It's funny to hear them say how well the bar is laied out when they think each other did it but in reality I did it.

My way of doing things comes from being there so long so I know the tricks, it's the best way I know of to get work done.

Now if only they would give me a raise. I find it weird that I have been there over a year and I'm a person in charge but yet I still make minimum wage. The owners a dick, no one ever gets a raise

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