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Spoke to a barmaid


Well-Known Member
There's a bar I like. I like chatting to a certain barmaid, I like her looks and personality and the bar itself is nice.
I was in today, my favourite music artist, Sheryl Crow was playing on the jukebox, I chatted to her about Sheryl Crow and seeing concerts in general. I know aspies can talk too much on a specific subject, I hope I didn't talk about Sheryl Crow too much.
I'm sure you'll be fine. It's good to have interactions with people. Try not to load up on artificial guilt.

There's a bar I like. I like chatting to a certain barmaid, I like her looks and personality and the bar itself is nice.
I was in today, my favourite music artist, Sheryl Crow was playing on the jukebox, I chatted to her about Sheryl Crow and seeing concerts in general. I know aspies can talk too much on a specific subject, I hope I didn't talk about Sheryl Crow too much.
you'll know if they are interested they'll get excitable if not they start 2 become very still
The good thing is, if she was having a bad time or was bored with Cheryl Crow she could have just made excuses about "work to do". Sounds like you passes just fine!
When I used to go to a specific nightclub a lot before Covid, I always chatted with a very friendly bartender and he always knew what drink I wanted, and that I wanted it with less alcohol.
He gave me a hug and a free drink on my 25th birthday :)
I still have that same social anxiety. With me it's two extremes: Either I seem like I'm not interested, or I'm way too interested.

At the end of the day, the only thing you can do is just be yourself. You're a Sheryl Crow fan, so I already know that you're all right.

Whenever anyone asks me what I prefer to be called I always reply with, "Just don't call me Bill, Billy, or Mac, or Buddy."

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