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Staying up 'till 5:00am, looking at a computer screen


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here find themselves staying up all night looking at a computer screen, either researching something they are interested in, or working on something on the computer. I am new to the forum and I am trying to work out which of my traits are related to Aspergers. I often stay up very late. My average bed-time is about 2:00am as I often find myself sitting on my laptop, reading something about computers, or film-making, or browsing shopping sites for film equipment that is well out of my price range!
Proof to my point, I am posting this at 3:03am. I have been up most of the night chatting to other people with AS, and I now plan to put my laptop on and listen to some music whilst I finish writing my film (which is also about AS).

It would be great to hear about your personal habits with regards to staying up late. I prefer night-times. Does anyone else share this viewpoint?
It varies... I think it's gotten to the point with school that I'm coming home so exhausted and stressed out(it's not the work, it's the people) that I can't stay up that late.
I used to stay up 'til like 3 AM every night and then get up at 6:30 AM, but I don't have the energy to do that anymore. I also used to have problems with getting to sleep as well, but now I'm so tired I have problems getting out of bed and staying awake during school.
On the half terms though, my sleeping pattern completely changes and I'm staying up 'til like 7 AM and getting up at around 3 PM(which is good considering I usually get up at 1-3 PM on a Saturday and only going to bed at like 12 AM/PM[:S]).
But yeah, it's hard to drag my self away from the computer despite being tired. I'm either engrossed to an extent in an IM chat or reading about god knows what on Wikipedia. It's annoying because I _know_ that the next day I probably won't want to read about it too. It also pisses me off when I find an awesome resource and then can't find it again :(. Sometimes for one reason or another it just doesn't go into my browsing history(:S) :/.
I also look at computers way out of my price range. Not so much now, but sometimes I still do. When I was younger I'd be able to tell you all the specifications of computers I knew I wouldn't be able to afford. Now idk why I do it because I don't remember the specifications or anything :S.
I used to stay up until the early hours, most nights. But now, for all intents and purposes, I live at Willow's and that isn't really an option. Well, that and I don't have the energy to stay up that late/early anymore anyway. :P
Hmm. I used to every night. Literally. But now I just do it every now and then. I don't really have a bed time but I'm trying to sort out my sleeping pattern now so now I take my meds much earlier.
I sleep most of the time, even in the day. I think I have something wrong with me, because I'm always tired and always sleeping. I can't help it, I just keep falling asleep. :(

I do go to bed late most nights I guess..
I used to sleep during the day and get up at night. I've nearly got it fixed back to normal though. I don't know if going to America twice in the past had any effect or contributed to my sleeping pattern since you would be traveling overnight through different timezones.
I am often up late as I am a night person. I am often on the computer as it my source of entertainment. I like reading lots of things that interest me. I am now working nights which is another reason to be up late and use my Smartphone for the Web during breaks.
My problem is that I find the days to be "too short".
I absolutely hate it when I have to do things I don't like, such as going to school. So I try to compensate that by spending as much time as possible doing stuff that I do like. This results in me going to bed at ridiculous times (4:33AM right now) - even if I already get tired early. I just don't want the day to be over, because going to bed means I'll fall asleep and an alarm clock will wake me up again. Blergh...

Advice is welcome. If you are all night owls like me, I assume you have time to type a message before going to sleep. ;)

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