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Stimming too much


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I’ve been stimming way too much again lately,—circa three hours or more every day (rocking),—and am besides far too lost in books and my imagination, for hours and hours.

I know stimming and imagination aren’t things we want to suppress, but when they overwhelm us, how do we push back?
Do you know if there's a reason in your life why you might need that large amount of self-soothing and escaping right now? Maybe there are some changes, or generally things that upset you? They can also be positive things, but still throw you off track.
In my experience, we stim as a reaction to things. If you stim a lot more right now, then there might be a reason.
I’ve been stimming way too much again lately,—circa three hours or more every day (rocking),—and am besides far too lost in books and my imagination, for hours and hours.

I know stimming and imagination aren’t things we want to suppress, but when they overwhelm us, how do we push back?
What else is going on, day to day?

Does the stimming and imagining interfere with other activities?
Stimming is a sign that you need something super happy to spike your dopamine during times of great stress.

If you're stimming that much, it means you need it. There must be something really overwhelming you.

Here are a few things that I do when I'm out of the house and my body suddenly needs a dopamine rush, due to overstimulation or fear:

You should see me in my wheelchair. If I'm stressed out, scared, or overwhelmed, I pace back and forth in my wheelchair.

I don't realize there's anything wrong, until I look up and see people staring at the weird lady, wondering why she's going up and down the sidewalk. When really, if I were able bodied, I'd simply be pacing.

Also I bring some kind of yarn project with me most places. Keeping my hands moving, the smooth roughness of yarn, and the act of creating something new, helps regulate thought for me.

If I forget yarn, there's this really great Facebook game that I play on my phone called Connect the Dots. It involves a lot of decoding and deep thought. It helps me be able to relax and think clearly about things.

It's a great game for sensory emergencies. Here's the link for connect the dots: Facebook

If I don't have enough data on my phone to play that, I keep a fidget spinner and simple dimple inside my purse for emergency stims.

So the stimming isn't the thing that needs surpressing. It's the life events that overwhelm, that your body physically needs to work through.

If you don't stim, you might have worsening autism symptoms. So just have something to stim with, at all times.
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@Yeshuasdaughter had some great points.

I also stim a lot right now. I can explain it by a lot of upcoming change and a lot of socialising previously. I use a Tangle fidget toy, as well as my rings and my necklace, to stim almost constantly while I'm outside, and often also inside. Also, I listen a lot of the time to music or an audio book, or just wear my over-ear headphones without any music because I like the feeling. Those kind of stims are not harmful to anyone, and I see no need to suppress them.

Is your rocking (and maybe other stimming) in any way harmful to you? If not, then there's no reason to reduce it, since, as @Yeshuasdaughter said, it might be necessary for you at this time to keep your system balanced.
Stimming by yourself? If it isn't interfering with anything else, just "go with the flow".

It's who we are and what we do. Especially if and when in the privacy of our own homes.

Rocking back and forth and pacing is my thing....
I wove around a lot in my room. It feels nice to do. Is there something stressing or overwhelming you in life? That can be the cause of your body reacting to something. I hope you feel better.

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