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Stimming whilst eating

I usually stim a lot when I don’t especially enjoy what I’m eating. But I stim a little most of the time.
I do tend to stim while I’m eating it’s a habit I do now. I like to rock my body back and forth or repeat phrases.
I will methodically push food around on my plate if stressed. Like back and forth like it's a rake in a little sand Zen garden. Now l want to make one, kinda of Zen stimming.


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When I am really enjoying my food, I find I stim. Does anyone else do this?
Yepp. I'll rub thumbs over fingers (like the sign for "show me the money" but all fingers and quicker) and often rub my hands together. It must surely annoy the crap out of my wife, LOL, but she just takes it as a positive sign that I'm enjoying the food.

EDIT: If I think on it, it's usually with food that has lots going on. It's kind of a "wow this is delicious" mixed with "holy crap, drinking from the sensory fire-hydrant" thing for me. Like I'll enjoy "ahh, my fingers, there they are... finger 4, 3, 2, 1... 4, 3, 2, 1.... 4321, 4321, 4321....4, 3, 2, 1...." while the heavy metal band trash the hotel room in my mouth.
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