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Strange things - seeming mundane- which causes negative feelings


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
My second sister created a whatsapp group, because our youngest sister is back with us ( having been adopted as a child) and asked if I would like to join, so I was added and at first it was not too bad; however, the picture she chose for the profile, is of the reunion and since I live in a different country and second sister and I were not on good terms ( her fault), no one bothered to think to ask if I would like to join. In fact, I had no idea at all about all this, until second sister messanged me out of no where and after what seemed like her fluffing about with weird words, eventually got to find out that they had already met our long lost sister.

The "headlines" on whatsapp shows all their names accepts for mine and for these reasons, I have felt very emotional today, which I have not felt for years.

I feel a sense of not being a part of the family, despite me being the eldest.

Wow, the more I think about it, the more I see that they should have done their utmost to include me in the reunion.

Even when my youngest sister was in care, I was banned from seeing her, due to lies said about me.
These are not mundane things. Look to behaviors to see how they they really feel about you. Then act accordingly.
Thank you for the advice.

I actually did look at their behaviour and in the past, did remove myself from their lives, due to their behaviour contradicting what they said to me.

But, came to the realisation that they are highly disfunctional and thus, common decency tends to miss them.

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