I have lists from various places that I've worked

There was an enormous bank of dark brown filing cabinets that separated one section of the transport, truck and railcar shipping company I worked at for several years. At the time I worked shipping claims, and the rate quote department was on the other side. My direct boss, was a really big joker. He enjoyed anything, whereas the office manager was very much like the manager in the movie 'Office Space.'The office manager, Mr. Slade, would make his rounds twice a day to check that there was no 'funny business' going on. Always at the same times. Otherwise no one ever saw him.
After Slade's morning rounds, my boss Enzo, would take his newspaper, and disappear for two hours into the railcar/trucking yards. He would wink at me, 'going for claims files if anyone asks'. Usually he had left some sort of surprise for me somewhere. Once he removed one of the wheels on my chair, so I fell over, another time he placed an enormous rubber fly inside a pile of files on my desk. He heard me scream when I opened the file, and I knew it was him, because his face would become bright red when he laughed.
Usually got him back somehow, once I super glued his coffee cup to his desk, another time, I soaked and removed the label from his can of beans and re-glued the label onto a can of brussel sprouts. When he opened it to eat it, his face went white as he he spat the green stuff into his waste paper basket. The next day I discovered that all the drawers in my desk had old black banana peels in them, which stunk.
We often, in claims received damaged goods, and filed claims reports accordingly. Sometimes it was bird seed, or car tires, one day it was black bart bubble gum. That day everyone at the shipping company chewed black bart gum. I took a rubber band, attached some chewed gum, and using a pencil and the filing cabinets as cover, I hit someone on the other side in rate quotes with gum on the head.
Enzo joined in, using two forks which he attached to a file cabinet drawer, and a rubber band to fling gum. Rate quotes (12 of them) organized into fighting units, using their desks as cover, the rate quotes boss began making slingshots with pencils and rubber bands and duct tape. Enzo organized the six of us, to cover him, as he went for the other box of gum, he got it, and we began chewing and propelling gum. Rate quotes even with their larger number had little cover with their desks, they had to stay low, we had the high filing cabinets advantage. Black gum went everywhere, stuck to the ceiling, hair, windows. Eventually the rate quote department, waved a white paper napkin in surrender at noon of that day, so we could go for lunch. We had other battles with them, which they won, the paper clip battle, the rubber eraser battle, but the black bubble gum battle was our first victory.