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V.I.P Member
I like imagining a piece of thread and a cat playing with it whenever I think about posting a thread LOL.
Anyway, I have an assortment of unique repetitive behaviors. I'm curious what repetitive behaviors look like for you all. Here are many of mine...
Pressing my thumb nails into the corners of my pointer cuticles, and pressing the first pointer finger nuccles into the corners of my thumb cuticles, because I like the aleiveation physically that the pressure brings
Pressing / grinding my teeth together because I like the smooth feeling
Shaking my leg rapidly, constantly
Alternating bouncing my left and right legs
Bending my toes (in a thumpy way)
Rocking back and forth, particularly when focusing or overstimulated
Rocking side to side briefly when talking about interests like cats
Saying the same cartoonish sayings in silly voices throughout life because it feels so satisfying to my brain
Biting off my cuticles (irrationally, to make them even) :o
Plucking my eyebrows until I've gotten every single outstanding hair
Picking my dandruff (eeyew, and you're welcome LOL)
Smoothing my nails, and scratching the ridges on my nails
Biting my lip
Wringing my hands
Fidgeting with objects, especially fluffy ones :D
Biting the hair off one specific finger
Brushing teeth an excessive number of times per day (though less so now)
Endlessly researching information of interest

Well, I know there are more, but that's enough LOL. What are your repetitive behaviors?
Wiggle my feet, my fixtion of feeling seams of the side of my pants. I bite pens, l click pens over and over, l love spinning chairs, not much of a rocker, more a spinner. Right now l scratch my head repeatedly, but if it's sore l stop. Play with hair. I have over plucked eyebrows, pull on my eyelashes. But l have gotten better and less destructive. Wiggle my legs alot. And l love chewing gum, it prevents excessive grinding of teeth.
Pressing on the corner of my thumb with my forefinger is a frequent one for me.
Something about the feeling.

Lip biting.

Rocking forward and back if the chair can move a little to accommodate it.

Grasping the fingers of one hand with the other or locking my fingers together tightly.

Unless I'm really engaged in what I'm doing, it seems there is always some place that needs a little scratching. My hair or face usually.

I have three fuzzy items hanging off my purse that I can feel when out somewhere.

Agree with the insatiable research on what I fine interests in.

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