Tiredness is definitely a factor. I’m wondering about the diet thing. Going to mention it when I go to dieticians.
Just an observation on my part,...but my sensory issues get worse when:
1. I've had too many carbs or have eaten too large of a meal. I tend to get an insulin-related vasodilation,...my head and neck get warm and red,...people ask me if I was out in the sun too long. I suspect this causes some degree of cerebral-vascular vasodilation and perhaps some degree of cerebral edema. I don't get headaches, but I definitely feel like I am in a "fog", I become more withdrawn, I am more photo sensitive, and my tinnitus is quite loud.
2. Caffeine,...just depends upon the dose, and/or how it is given. Smaller doses over time seem to help with my mental clarity and I actually feel good. Larger doses over a short period of time can cause headaches, sensory issues, blood pressure issues, heart palpitations,...generally, I feel like crap.
3. Intermittent fasting does seem to help,...skipping a meal or two seems to clear my head. I've been in ketosis before,...it hits me like a wave of euphoria,...I become hyper focused, all my anxieties go away, all the extra thoughts go away,...it can be a real asset if I need to be highly focused upon something.
4. I have yet to test myself for different food allergies, but I highly suspect I am reacting to wheat or the gluten in the wheat,...I not only get the abdominal bloating, but seems to affect my sensory issues and cognition, as well.
As much as I hate the idea of dieting or a restrictive diet program,...I think there is something there. Certainly, if you do research on "autism diets", you will find that, in many ways, it looks much like a keto-paleo-mediterranean type of thing. Whole foods,...avoiding processed, packaged carbs,...oils instead of fats,...things that we should be eating anyway. The thing is,...unless I am really focused on it,...I tend to just grab whatever is in reach and I rarely plan a meal,...the two behaviors that will sabotage any sort of diet. I can talk about these things all day,...but putting it to practice is a whole different thing.