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Struggling with light sensitivity


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Really struggling with light sensitivity the last days. All lights seem to bright. I’ve been limited device use and have turned the light down on iPad, phone etc. I’m also been wearing my Irlens glasses where possible ( I’m an artist so can’t wear them all the time) any advice on coping with light sensitivity?
Not from me. The only times I have had photosensitivity was when the opthamologist dilated my pupils or once when a specific prescription drug caused it. I would not like to have it as an ongoing condition. I hope you get some resolution.
Sensory issues seem to affect me more when I am tired, exhausted, stressed, or my diet has been poor.
Same here, I have to wear dark sunglasses anytime I'm outside. The only time inside lighting gives me trouble is if I'm already overstimulated or really close to it. Check your forks and see if there are any minor ones you can remove.
Same here, I have to wear dark sunglasses anytime I'm outside. The only time inside lighting gives me trouble is if I'm already overstimulated or really close to it. Check your forks and see if there are any minor ones you can remove.
I find outside brightness easier then artificial brightness. Although not a fan of either
Not from me. The only times I have had photosensitivity was when the opthamologist dilated my pupils or once when a specific prescription drug caused it. I would not like to have it as an ongoing condition. I hope you get some resolution.
I hate when they do that . They use to do that to me when I was young since I would be too anxious to do an eye taste so would go mute.
Tiredness is definitely a factor. I’m wondering about the diet thing. Going to mention it when I go to dieticians.

Just an observation on my part,...but my sensory issues get worse when:

1. I've had too many carbs or have eaten too large of a meal. I tend to get an insulin-related vasodilation,...my head and neck get warm and red,...people ask me if I was out in the sun too long. I suspect this causes some degree of cerebral-vascular vasodilation and perhaps some degree of cerebral edema. I don't get headaches, but I definitely feel like I am in a "fog", I become more withdrawn, I am more photo sensitive, and my tinnitus is quite loud.
2. Caffeine,...just depends upon the dose, and/or how it is given. Smaller doses over time seem to help with my mental clarity and I actually feel good. Larger doses over a short period of time can cause headaches, sensory issues, blood pressure issues, heart palpitations,...generally, I feel like crap.
3. Intermittent fasting does seem to help,...skipping a meal or two seems to clear my head. I've been in ketosis before,...it hits me like a wave of euphoria,...I become hyper focused, all my anxieties go away, all the extra thoughts go away,...it can be a real asset if I need to be highly focused upon something.
4. I have yet to test myself for different food allergies, but I highly suspect I am reacting to wheat or the gluten in the wheat,...I not only get the abdominal bloating, but seems to affect my sensory issues and cognition, as well.

As much as I hate the idea of dieting or a restrictive diet program,...I think there is something there. Certainly, if you do research on "autism diets", you will find that, in many ways, it looks much like a keto-paleo-mediterranean type of thing. Whole foods,...avoiding processed, packaged carbs,...oils instead of fats,...things that we should be eating anyway. The thing is,...unless I am really focused on it,...I tend to just grab whatever is in reach and I rarely plan a meal,...the two behaviors that will sabotage any sort of diet. I can talk about these things all day,...but putting it to practice is a whole different thing.

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