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Struggling with motivation


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
As per another post from last week - Here ... Calgary Stampede week is here, I have always gone out to do some street photography with it

I did spend my one day weekend (due to work) going to a big car event, a choice I made,and now I'm working all week, and it's very hot weather!

When the evening arrives after I get home from work, I thought I might go down at least one night, but so far I've felt a lack of energy to even think about it... I'm feeling tired tonight, did attend a small classic car cruise night, far less intense...

And it is going to be very hot weather all week, something that tends to drain me

Now do I just wait for the weekend? Two last days, but I find the energy will tend to be lower than at the beginning (there are ten days of the event)

But already I feel like a bit of a failure for not doing more with Stampede week, I probably won't get much photography done, and I know I will be hard on myself, as it's the first no limits Stampede since Covid... But then I should also pay attention to my body and how it feels...

And what if I get barely any photos this year from Stampede? Does it really matter?
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Do something else then.

That makes you feel excitement. That's when you know it is right. And motivation will come naturally.
Do something else then.

That makes you feel excitement. That's when you know it is right. And motivation will come naturally.

I hear you, but I'm a traditionalist, very loyal (??)...

I have never missed going to/photographing Stampede week in some form for many years, and it's a big event! It's all about the fun of people watching... I feel like there will be a giant hole in my photo folders

Part of it is working for two weeks with only one day off, feeling squeezed for time and energy

But I'm off to bed now, did I say I was tired? :emojiconfused:
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I'm a traditionalist, very loyal (??)...
That's a trait. Last time I checked. It's a psychological want, a desire that you think you need. Me? I would just do what ever I feel is a better idea at the time....Be spontaneous. But it can be hard to break off old habits. And start a new pattern. I know.
One thing for sure, you cannot recover the lost time and opportunities that the pandemic took from you.

No point in attempting to try. Better to keep it all from a perspective of what makes you happy without it taking something away from you. Otherwise you may be risking becoming burned out over something you love to do.

Been there, done that and still have the t-shirt. :(
One thing for sure, you cannot recover the lost time and opportunities that the pandemic took from you.

No point in attempting to try. Better to keep it all from a perspective of what makes you happy without it taking something away from you. Otherwise you may be risking becoming burned out over something you love to do.

Been there, done that and still have the t-shirt. :(

I believe I did a thread about that awhile back ... I'll still feel like a failure by the end of the week, I'll just pass the buck and blame this job
I believe I did a thread about that awhile back ... I'll still feel like a failure by the end of the week, I'll just pass the buck and blame this job

Sounds like you're doing all you can do under the circumstances. Yeah, cut yourself some slack.
Well... The weekend is here, two days off! Still feeling a little tired

@Judge I think I'll stay home tonight, hot tomorrow (heat warning) but I'll plan to be out and about still, just because, chasing some Calgary Stampede stuff but no pressure :rolleyes: The heat warning was one of the reasons I didn't do much, I don't do heat very well...

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