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Student organizations


In school, do you joins student organizations - e.g. Leadership Club or Student Council or even Public Speaking Club?
We have those around at university's and the more advanced colleges over here.

But the general thing I read about it, is that it's nothing more than a group of people who party excessively. Yeah, and that there's this entire deal where they could set up side-activities at said institution. But the activities they'd set-up never appealed to me, and the partying they did was never my kind of thing. Mind you, I like a party... but that's a totally different culture from theirs. My idea of partying does not include "whatever's popular"-music, cheap beer and girls that are only slutty if they drank enough.

Besides that... any other "organisations"... I never really found interest in them, but then again I might have a biased image to organisations in schools
I was in an Honor Society for English majors when I was in school, it was a nice opportunity to hang out with some kind of like-minded people.
I joined almost every student organization I can join - and I can say, none really fit my interest. I am too unique, one-of-a-kind.

I don't know what's my real passion...

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