I see two styles of links.
First style
This is the style I posted about, which looks like body text, like this, where the second line is a link and looks almost identical to the first line which is not a link:
Another example, the first two words "Parallel (2018)" are a link and it's super easy to miss this because it's part of a sentence:
Second style
Then there's this style of link, which is very clear and obvious:
I do not know what controls which style of link ends up in the post. Is it that a link that goes somewhere within autismforums.com is the second style and links to web pages on other sites are the less obvious first style?
Overriding a website's styles with browser settings has pros and cons. It sounds good because the user has control over how the links appear. But because the user doesn't have control over things like the web page's background color, it still doesn't ensure that a link has a high contrast to the background. Also, not all browsers have these settings (I always use chrome and apparently there are some settings but you need to know CSS and it's an advanced feature).
The WEBAIM initiative, and the WCAG standards, have detailed minimum standards for accessible links, and the responsibility is on the designer/owner of the website, not the user:
WebAIM: Links and Hypertext - Link Text and Appearance