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V.I.P Member
Alright, so I've noticed a lot of people with Asperger's like wearing sunglasses to lower the stress of overwhelming light. Makes total sense.

I was coming back to town from fishing and was still wearing my polarized shades. I always wear polarized sunglasses for fishing to reduce water glare and to see a few feet below the water surface. I was still wearing them and went into the gas station and saw this girl I have a crush on was working that day. I had no problem talking to her and joking around without getting nervous, the sunglasses took away more normal awkwardness it seems :lol: I noticed that when my eyes are hidden, nobody knows if Im making consistent eye-contact and the shades seem to give a bit of a "I can see you but you can't see me" feeling. I love it!

Sunglasses: Relieve sensory overload and social anxiety. Awesome. Anybody else notice this? Im gonna bet that this is a well known thing but Im just now realizing it.

(Also, I think I look pretty good in them :lol:)
Alright, so I've noticed a lot of people with Asperger's like wearing sunglasses to lower the stress of overwhelming light. Makes total sense.

I was coming back to town from fishing and was still wearing my polarized shades. I always wear polarized sunglasses for fishing to reduce water glare and to see a few feet below the water surface. I was still wearing them and went into the gas station and saw this girl I have a crush on was working that day. I had no problem talking to her and joking around without getting nervous, the sunglasses took away more normal awkwardness it seems :lol: I noticed that when my eyes are hidden, nobody knows if Im making consistent eye-contact and the shades seem to give a bit of a "I can see you but you can't see me" feeling. I love it!

Sunglasses: Relieve sensory overload and social anxiety. Awesome. Anybody else notice this? Im gonna bet that this is a well known thing but Im just now realizing it.

(Also, I think I look pretty good in them :lol:)

I have never liked wearing accessories, but I am starting to see the benefit of wearing sunglasses and ear plugs because when I go too busy places I get exhausted from all of the noises and the movement of the people, plus I have always squinted because of the light but as soon as I put the ear plugs in and the glasses on the world becomes so calm and my brain stops rushing. Also the thing that you said about talking to people with the sunglasses on is true.
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Alright, so I've noticed a lot of people with Asperger's like wearing sunglasses to lower the stress of overwhelming light. Makes total sense.

I was coming back to town from fishing and was still wearing my polarized shades. I always wear polarized sunglasses for fishing to reduce water glare and to see a few feet below the water surface. I was still wearing them and went into the gas station and saw this girl I have a crush on was working that day. I had no problem talking to her and joking around without getting nervous, the sunglasses took away more normal awkwardness it seems :lol: I noticed that when my eyes are hidden, nobody knows if Im making consistent eye-contact and the shades seem to give a bit of a "I can see you but you can't see me" feeling. I love it!

Sunglasses: Relieve sensory overload and social anxiety. Awesome. Anybody else notice this? Im gonna bet that this is a well known thing but Im just now realizing it.

(Also, I think I look pretty good in them :lol:)
That's actually a good idea. It'd be a good icebreaker when first meeting people, although it's a shame that you can't get away with wearing shades for all occasions, without appearing rude.
I have found it really helps to wear sunglasses on stage. I found that if someone looks me straight in the eye while I'm playing my brain stops working momentarily and I lose my place in the song. Wearing sunglasses means that I can't see the whites of people's eyes, thus I play much better and am able to act in a much more confident manner.
I have always hated using sun glasses because I feel stifled behind them. Without them I feel as if I can breathe more comfortably and see more clearly. I am very self conscious if I go into a store while wearing them and always try to remember to remove them and switch back to my regular trifocals. The only reason I now use them is because I have had cataract surgery and sunlight is terribly uncomfortable. I continue to feel a strong desire to remove them to stop the alteration of what I perceive as real. An optometrist told me many years ago that very nearsighted people don't like to use sunglasses. I don't know if this is true but before the cataract surgery and the new lens implants, I was severely nearsighted.
Alright, so I've noticed a lot of people with Asperger's like wearing sunglasses to lower the stress of overwhelming light. Makes total sense.

I was coming back to town from fishing and was still wearing my polarized shades. I always wear polarized sunglasses for fishing to reduce water glare and to see a few feet below the water surface. I was still wearing them and went into the gas station and saw this girl I have a crush on was working that day. I had no problem talking to her and joking around without getting nervous, the sunglasses took away more normal awkwardness it seems :lol: I noticed that when my eyes are hidden, nobody knows if Im making consistent eye-contact and the shades seem to give a bit of a "I can see you but you can't see me" feeling. I love it!

Sunglasses: Relieve sensory overload and social anxiety. Awesome. Anybody else notice this? Im gonna bet that this is a well known thing but Im just now realizing it.

(Also, I think I look pretty good in them :lol:)
Sun glasses are great, because they protect you from the bright lights everywhere, too much light is used in most places. I find that when it is cloudy outside I have to actually put them on when I walk into a building because they have so many lights, it is sensory overload for sure. An intrusion into my life.
And then there are those idiots that still want to get close to you, when I wear my sunglasses it usually is a subconscious way of saying: buzz off bozo.
Then I also wear a sun hat, wonderful, wonderful because I can tilt it just right to not see anyone I do not want to see. Would you believe there are idiots out there that clearly see that and still want to strike up a conversation?
I love my prescription sunglasses. Mostly because my futures so bright I have to wear shades.
Sometimes shades indoors can be good....


Especially when you're having a really bad day.
I only have started to wear glases in the last 5 years mostly for reading and sun glasses in the sun or wet ground.

To me it still feels unnatural
I find all the sunlight outdoors is often bright, so i like sunglasses a lot for that but i rarely remember to pack them. However, I dont feel comfortable wearing them indoors because then its harder to see and that makes me anxious. I can see why it would help relieve social anxiety, though.

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