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Surrounded by recruiters all my life...


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Surrounded by recruiters all my life, left school in mid70s so recruitment types and styles vary generationally ugh, so what is/was your experience of life's recruiters, and what ideology, if any, did you opt for?
I have always been surprised that I have not been targeted by recruiters. I suppose I don't appear to be an easily led person although I am somewhat.

What kind of recruiters have been after you and were any successful.
Definitely NOT a follower. I find myself quite uncomfortable with anything group related. I get really creeped out by people coming at me with an agenda,..."Come join our group this Sunday."...."Uhhh,...No, and get off my front porch." I am not religious or political. I have taken university courses on religions, and studied politics and government,...but never saw any appeal to join.

I think this a realm where my type of autism pretty much excludes me from group-think. I am very much the independent thinker. This sometimes gets me into conflict with "standards" and "policy and procedure" at work, when, in my assessment, they can cause harm. I have lived long enough to do quite a bit of self-study on a wide variety of topics, have had multiple "special interests", and am insistent upon finding out HOW things work.

I understand, in life, the concept of say, chain-of-command at work, a business, the military,...any group. I understand, in life, respecting people and the position they hold with regards to their responsibilities within the group. However,...I do not treat people with more authority any differently than the lowest person in the organization,...and this, sometimes, it met with some awkwardness on their part,...not mine. It can, at times, make for an interesting interaction with people who are used to, or insistent, upon their title designation (Doctor,...Chairman,...President, etc.). In my mind, you are Thomas, Robert, Christine, Jane,...whatever name your parents gave you.
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so what is/was your experience of life's recruiters, and what ideology, if any, did you opt for?

Being raised in the catholic church as well as school at convents, in the early part of my life I went along with catholicism. When I left home and was on my own, I looked into other ideas.

As an individual I didn't want to be influenced by much of anything related to religion or politics. Wanting to decide for myself. As an adult I've explored many ideas of an intellectual nature.

As of yet, I've not devoted myself to any of them. Doubt if I ever will, I'm not a belonger. The closest I've come to an idea that makes sense to me is the animism of hunter-gatherer societies.

Where sentience exists not only in humans but also in other animals, plants, geographic features such as mountains or rivers or other entities of the natural environment.
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I don't easily adopt any idealogy. In fact they can repell me, especially if they are the ones approaching me. I like in general keeping my options open, to make my own decisions. I might agree with many aspects of something but often it is expected/required you adopt all aspects.

That said I will sometimes do it, if I can concieve of all the things that might be required of me and am willing (at least in theory) to do it.
I like in general keeping my options open, to make my own decisions. I might agree with many aspects of something but often it is expected/required you adopt all aspects.
Very wise Tom. After some hair-raising years of over-enthusiastically and suggestibly package dealing, I learned rather late in the day to go gracefully cafeteria (a worthwhile religion will be happy with that).
We should follow our own noses not have somebody (that isn't frank) lead us BY it.
Beware people that employ fake frankness by showing off, about their problems or about snazzy schemes they should be keeping to themselves.
"Recruiters" refers to anybody trying to get you to join something? Is this a well known term? Everyone here seems to understand.
yes, Fino, people who are trying to sell you something, but usually an ideology or belief, rather than a product.

It might be that I'm a naive and they see me as easy prey or something, but I'm not. I get an endless stream of them, started in childhood. Dad being a mason, then skewl...then 'friends', etc etc. Mostly 'left hand path' types, if I had to generalise, that would be the main thrust of it.

I suppose the biggest recruitment anyone experiences is the recruitment to the cult of this world.
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To my own recollection, I've only been formally recruited one time. That was by the government who approached me, which resulted in a series of interviews in which I eventually bowed out of. A job opportunity that seemed to morph into something else that I didn't feel suited for.

I could mention Jehovah's Witnesses occasionally showing up at my front door, but to me they don't count.
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After I graduated from high school, I was contacted by all of the military recruiters. This was back in the days of the draft, so if you did not join, you would get drafted into the Army Infantry. I did end up in the Army, but not the Infantry.

When I was working as a field service technician, I was recruited three times by other equipment companies. I took the new job every time as they were better jobs. The last company that I worked for was a Cat dealer. After that I worked for myself.
Was a headhunter (not an indigenous one) for a company for about a month and a half, it was a job between jobs. I was really bad at it, in that I could talk to PR people but I could not recruit people who were looking for jobs. Got in trouble for telling people that the company would take eighteen percent of their salary the first year. No one liked that.
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Was a headhunter (not an indigenous one) for a company for about a month and a half, it was a job between jobs. I was really bad at it, in that I could talk to PR people but I could not recruit people who were looking for jobs. Got in trouble for telling people that the hiring company would take eighteen percent of their salary the first year. No one liked that.

I'll bet no one liked that! I was not looking for a new job when I was contacted. Eighteen percent for a year would have been a deal killer for me.
LOL! I've never been directly approached by a recruiter my entire life. There have been occasional Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons at my front door. And right after graduation from high school, a couple of colleges sent me literature because of my SATs, but I don't count them. Every job I have ever gotten had no real requirements, was pure dumb luck, or gotten thru a friendly connection.

I am just not an interesting prospect for anyone.

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