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Survival of the fittest that means you


Serenity waves, beachy vibes
V.I.P Member
Face it, we overcome soooo many obstacles, otherwise you wouldn't see any ASD people around, yet we are still right along with NT. It's just that the journey feels more sensory upsetting.
As long as we coming in from the wrong position, (the NT idea of ND), then we are set up to fail. I wish members would look at their own successes and see they are survivalists. I know very successful people who are bipolar, l feel that the medical community can take our strengths and downplay them into handicaps. Again, this involves thinking outside of the box, and claiming your own success instead of minimizing it. You are at this forum today for a reason. That's to make the path a bit easier for those coming in behind you. Nope - this isn't a public announcement. :)
Please come here to talk about your success stories also.
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As a deaf-nonverbal, online communities are my social life. Have been since I was a teen. And I'm talking about last century, IRC.

First, this forum software is amazing. My intuition is that it is all custom-written from scratch. And whoever wrote it knew exactly what they were doing at every step. Because every functionality is lightning fast. Any programmer can write a program to do one thing well. Writing a program that does a thousand things well - notifications, posts, formatting, reactions, search - especially search across countless threads - takes true world-class skill. I'd hire whoever wrote this forum software without an interview.

Second, the people here are diverse yet rooted in reality and super nice. It's not Reddit or the other forum. It's not cliquey. I've felt "free" to be myself - within moderators' guards, of course - and felt accepted. That's super rare. Because, trust me, I'm a very polarizing personality.

Third, it's small enough to get to know each members on some basis. And everyone is awesome.
Truthfully. I think a combination of being here, having my Uncle being who he is, and having my psychologist to talk to too. It all has been effective in putting me where I am now. I am more functional than I was. But yet I still have a good bit of the journey to go.

I now see how confused and lost I've been. And it's about breaking habits and behaviors, currently. Focusing is something I need to make myself do more.
I support those here, your voice is heard. We need to not accept being treated as less, due to shame, or guilt, or fear from repercussions.
As long as we coming in from the wrong position, (the NT idea of ND), then we are set up to fail. I wish members would look at their own successes and see they are survivalists. I know very successful people who are bipolar, l feel that the medical community can take our strengths and downplay them into handicaps. Again, this involves thinking outside of the box, and claiming your own success instead of minimizing it. You are at this forum today for a reason. That's to make the path a bit easier for those coming in behind you. Nope - this isn't a public announcement. :)
Please come here to talk about your success stories also.
You are so right,@Aspychata . In overcoming the old trauma from social isolation I did deep dives into my memory (with a little help from 10mg of THC) to recognize just how I have persevered and grown. I think that we who have managed a decent life have done work that would break the spirit of NTs.

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