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temperatures sensitivity

Erica Griswold

Well-Known Member
Does anyone else have so sensitive to cold that you feel your body shut down when the temperature dips just a few degrees below your comfort level.
Not exactly, but I have a hard time with dexterity when it gets too cold. For instance, at 70* I'm fine and comfortable, but at 60* I have difficulty typing because my fingers don't seem to want to move.
Not exactly, but I have a hard time with dexterity when it gets too cold. For instance, at 70* I'm fine and comfortable, but at 60* I have difficulty typing because my fingers don't seem to want to move.
that's what happens to me actually. Like I feel the cold just go right through my body and I can't move easily.
I must admit I enjoy the cold, but hot temperatures I really struggle. Not so much in terms of any shut downs - but my temper gets even shorter and I struggle to maintain focus.

I have issues with hot temperatures too: loss of focus, irritability and I feel like taking my skin off wouldn’t be cooling and naked enough.
Don’t notice the cold until I get to full-body shivering though.
Another one with heat problems: irritability, lack of focus, feeling sluggish and depressed and sleeping even worse than usual.

Cold temperatures make me feel mentally alert and give me energy, especially if the extremities warm are protected.

Erica: do you have bad circulation by any chance?
I must admit I enjoy the cold, but hot temperatures I really struggle. Not so much in terms of any shut downs - but my temper gets even shorter and I struggle to maintain focus.

Same, but I also have eczema so whenever I sweat I get super itchy. I also have a hard time differentating from water and cold and a hard time feeling wet when i'm hot.
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My body doesn't deal with cold correctly. I end up as cold as a cadaver (not kidding). I have Raynaud disease, it runs in my family. It's annoying. I'm enjoying my life currently because it will soon change.
I cant deal with cold at all. Like, AT ALL. It's not just localized temperature, it's also things like food and whatnot. Drinking water? I microwave it first. For example. The ONLY things I tolerate being cold are milk & cheese products, they just arent right if they arent. But I dont do ice cream, that's too much.

I have a portable heater I use in the basement to keep that frozen place at a less awful temp, and even though it's summer outside I've turned on the main heater a few times because 72 indoors isnt warm enough, or something like that. It's been like 90 degrees outside lately, right, but when sleeping I still use the same heavy blankets I always do.

I tell ya, I'm not looking forward to winter this year. I mean, it sucks every year, but THIS time there wont be any method of escape. No respite at all. I expect I'll be rather "moody" through the entire season, for lack of a better term.

Fortunately my room is the most overheated spot in the whole house, being right over the giant heater unit. And it's full of constantly-running electronics. Unfortunately all the stuff I actually want to DO is in the basement, a giant cavern that doesnt retain heat since there's no bloody door.
Nope. It's the heat and humidity (and therefore summer) I hate. The temperature where I live is bizarre. Yesterday it was very hot and humid and sleeping was torture and it was like being slowly suffocated. Today it's so cool it was like spring but still damp as ever. Nothing but dampness and humidity that rapidly turns food to mold and makes everything sticky. Hate it.

Sometimes when I'm really focused on something I don't even notice that my body is cold until I'm done. But when it's hot I can't focus on anything except in the wee hours of the morning.
I'm very sensitive to cold, too. I can cope with heat, but not with cold. I think it is partly because I'm a thin person, and partly because our bodies are designed to cope with too much heat, rather than too much cold. Also, my skin is sensitive: it feels uncomfortable to my skin. Makes sense - humans supposedly originated in Africa, in a hot climate, and wearing clothes is an adaptation that allows humans to live in much colder climates.
When it comes to cold, especially if it is gradual, I am oblivious to it. Like when I am in my room with the window open and it gets gradually colder after sunset. I'll be at my computer skimpily dressed and my room has become quite cold without my noticing it.

Summer heat indoors bothers me though. Makes me uncomfortable, irritable and lethargic. Outdoors is more tolerable if there is a breeze.
I don't notice heat at all and have gotten heat injuries-----not heat stroke because I know when I am overheating and take precautions but I have been in 100 degree weather with long sleeves and no bother till I started to get nauseous, shaky and dizzy. I do notice cold and hate it. I can have on four layers and still be freezing. I lived in NH and it sucked. All I wanted to do was find heat. I was The Heatmonger. Heating pads are a lifesaver because everyone likes their homes to be too cold in winter. Before the heating pads I would always wander around saying, "I'm FREEZING, I'm FREEZING!" and people were like, "good gracious what the heck is wrong with you?"
Nope. It's the heat and humidity (and therefore summer) I hate. The temperature where I live is bizarre. Yesterday it was very hot and humid and sleeping was torture and it was like being slowly suffocated. Today it's so cool it was like spring but still damp as ever. Nothing but dampness and humidity that rapidly turns food to mold and makes everything sticky. Hate it.

Sometimes when I'm really focused on something I don't even notice that my body is cold until I'm done. But when it's hot I can't focus on anything except in the wee hours of the morning.
Sounds abit like my experience in maine. infact it was cool today. but I don't mind the dampness. When it's not hot.
I don't notice heat at all and have gotten heat injuries-----not heat stroke because I know when I am overheating and take precautions but I have been in 100 degree weather with long sleeves and no bother till I started to get nauseous, shaky and dizzy. I do notice cold and hate it. I can have on four layers and still be freezing. I lived in NH and it sucked. All I wanted to do was find heat. I was The Heatmonger. Heating pads are a lifesaver because everyone likes their homes to be too cold in winter. Before the heating pads I would always wander around saying, "I'm FREEZING, I'm FREEZING!" and people were like, "good gracious what the heck is wrong with you?"

Thanks for the heating pad trick, I didn't know it existed ! Going to take this for the winter, thanks a lot.
I seem to be in the extreme minority in that I have both heat and cold sensitivity, I'm also sensitive to humidity although I tolerate dry weather better than humid. For example I would tolerate 9% humidity in the foothills of the mountains of Orange County CA better than coastal San Diego County where it's often 60% or so, even though most would agree that both areas have near perfect weather.
The heat is bothering me more with age, but we are living in hotter area, so by time winter arrives it's nice break.
I have varicose vein but only bothered me after twins born, and that was for standing too long. What I'm experiencing is heat causing vein to enlarge and trying to place ice-bricks under knees, trying online advice to lift legs up.

I miss the younger, healthier years.
I have always been sensitive to cold and heat but still able to deal with those temperatures.
I just have to rug up in cold and stay cool in heat.
I have always gotten more cold usually however really hot temperatures I cannot stand like over 30 degrees here can be really hot.
But I am definitely more a cold blooded person where I usually always wear robes or coats outside and really rug up in winter and cannot wear a dress at all

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