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Thank You To Our Staff


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I would like to use this to give a personal "Thank You" to all of the people who have made this site possible. Many of you have put a lot of work into making and keeping this a comfortable place for those of us who have too few of them in this world. Your unselfish dedication has provided a "Home" for many people in need, and has also provided many who were in search of answers, a place to find what they were searching for.
I am grateful, and I am sure that others here share my sentiments.
I would like to use this to give a personal "Thank You" to all of the people who have made this site possible. Many of you have put a lot of work into making and keeping this a comfortable place for those of us who have too few of them in this world. Your unselfish dedication has provided a "Home" for many people in need, and has also provided many who were in search of answers, a place to find what they were searching for.
I am grateful, and I am sure that others here share my sentiments.

Here Here!!
Well, thank you. :)

Ultimately, though, we don't really dictate what goes on here. It's the people who come here and contribute that make this place what it is. So I'll go ahead and turn it around and thank y'all as well. :)
I agree. In a parent/teacher meeting I had at school today, when asked by Mrs what aspiescentral was, I replied with, "it's like facebook, but nicer for me. :D"
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seconding the thanks.
thanks for providing us with an alternative home to all the usual ones to hang out in,thanks for keeping the site updated,its all apreciated and thanks to AC have even gained the balls to go make a forum,not a forum in competion with AC but one which is for adults with moderate,severe or profound classic autism and parents/carers etc of us,not to seclude part of the spectrum but to focus on the issues and complex needs that dont get covered or understood on mainly aspie majority forums.
I agree with Peace, thank you for creating and maintaining this place - for some of us this is just about the extent of our social life!
The leadership/moderators largely influence the tone or atmosphere, and this place is a credit to their efforts.
Thank you all :):):)
(I wanted to give you all a virtual hug, but couldn't find the emoji)
(I love virtual hugs, you can take them at just the right distance, and use them multiple times)
Thank you all for being so accepting and willing to share your knowledge with the outside world. I greatly appreciate it and I truly wish it worked the other way around better than it does in RL.

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